Ensign K’riss

Name K’riss

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Ensign


  • 2 Mission Posts

Last Post

09 Jan 2021 @ 5:20pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Caitian
Age 24
Birthdate 2366
Birthplace Cait

Physical Appearance

Height 5’0
Weight 100
Hair Color Cream and Dark Brown Fur
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description K’riss has features that somewhat resemble a Siamese cat. His feline face is a bit longer and more triangular than most other Caitians. He has short, sleek fur. Where it might be a longer on the top he keeps it trimmed so overall it is about the same length, making his head seem exceedingly cat-like. While the fur on his body is pale cream colored, that is usually covered by his uniform. The fur on his hands and tail is dark brown, nearly black. The fur on his face and ears is nearly black as well, with the most visible cream fur being just beneath each ear, and the back of his head. He has a rather narrow build overall. While K’riss usually has an exceedingly well-kempt appearance, he does have a tattoo in one ear of a tree, as the ear is the only place he has exposed skin (he is not a fan of said tattoo, but somebody talked him into it in the Academy and he’s been too embarrassed to ask about getting it removed so he just ran with it.) His eyes are his most striking feature – other than being Caitian. They are a striking pale blue color, that make it look as though he is constantly staring at something. His voice tends to be a bit feminine and almost sounds like a purr.

Personality & Traits

General Overview K’riss desperately wants people to like him.

He loves talking and interacting with others but will usually take a submissive role in any sort of discussion - this might make him seem a bit shy at first. He will agree to anything, succumbs to even the slightest peer pressure, and rarely thinks about his own well-being. This leads to him often overworking himself. He is light-hearted and eager to please, but when he doesn’t manage to please people he breaks down rather easily. He is easily frightened, both of disappointing people and of failure (and also of loud noises). To try and best get others to like him he often forces himself into a very positive, optimistic outlook, even when that’s not really what he feels. When alone, he is much quieter and introspective. He is an artist at heart. He joined Starfleet to see new things so that he could have experiences to write about. Other than being scared of not being liked, he is also terrified that there is nothing new left to write about, or that he isn’t a good enough author to actually write it down. He is a touch embarrassed by his writings and tries to hide such hobby – and his diary - from the others on the crew. Overall, while he is smart and eager to please, he is young. He still views himself as a kid, not yet ready for the world. And frankly, the world hasn’t asked him to be ready quite yet. There haven’t been any life-threatening dangers for him to prove himself and he has had no hardships to jade him, so he still goes in with an open mind and the expectation that everything will be fine in the end.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Mathematics: Math has always been easy for him, where things are cut and dry and simple
+Kindness: K’riss is many things, but never mean
+Agility: K’riss is agile as a cat. While he’s not a fighter, he is good at squeezing into tight spaces and balancing

-Naivete: He’s just an innocent child let him be
-Self-esteem: K’riss always assumes that the other person is right when anybody disagrees with him.
-Mechanical Skill: While K’riss has a lot of math expertise that led him into engineering, he didn’t so much as pick up a screwdriver until he started at the Academy. He often needs help with the basic things. He is good at theory and so he scored excellent on tests, but in practice he is too shy to mention many of his ideas to his superiors, making him a mediocre engineer at best. He is still young, though, and still has time to learn.
Ambitions K’riss wants other people to like him. His ambitions often are just “whatever they want me to be good at, I want to be good at.” Deep down his ambitions are a little more personal. He wants to be a good writer; he wants to have experiences worth writing about and he wants somebody else to actually read them and share in those experiences. K’riss likes children and fantasizes about a life in which he has a spouse who writes alongside him, and some children of his own to teach about this world. That last part might be a fit far-fetched of an ambition, though, considering that K’riss is both aromantic and asexual.
Hobbies & Interests Reading (mostly romance novels) and writing are the only hobbies of his that he truly kept up with. The rest of his recreational time is spent doing things with other people – always what they want to do. He is more likely to take a casual interest in other people’s passions than he is to try and develop a new hobby of his own. Unfortunate, as another hobby might be good for him.
Languages Spoken Caitian, Federation Standard and Spanish. That last one always catches people off guard; turns out a friend pressured him into taking Spanish classes together at the Academy, so that they could copy off of K’riss’s homework.

Personal History K’riss doesn’t have an interesting childhood, or a tragic backstory. He is just K’riss, just living his best life.

K’riss was born on Cait. He had a littermate named K’rui. She and K’riss were very close growing up, but ever since K’riss moved away to join Starfleet Academy, he hasn’t been the best at keeping in touch with her. As children, both K’riss and K’rui were into mathematics. Their parents were quite supportive of their love of math, and the two competed in mathematics competitions together in school. K’riss did fairly well in them but was overshadowed at times by his genius sister. That was okay, he told himself. He was glad just to be friends with her. Perhaps he had some envy of her, even back then; maybe his desperation to please people could be drawn all the way back to his formative years, trying to get anybody to notice him instead of fawning over his sister. Or maybe not. After all, K’rui always made an effort to include him, and the two fostered in each other a love for math and engineering. As they grew older, their interests started to separate a bit. K’rui continued to love math, while K’riss realized that this same beauty he saw in math, he also saw in writing. He buried himself in books and poems and whatever literature he could find. He was an absolute sap for romance novels, and secondary to them: adventure novels. He spent most of his adolescence just waiting for him to feel a small fraction of that love that the heroes in those books felt. It never came. He realized he was aromantic. He still loved romance in novels and as a concept but realized that he would never have his own passionate romance to draw experience from in writing. Maybe he should turn to adventure writing instead? And so, he did. But there he ran into a similar issue: he had never been on an adventure. He had never left Cait. He hadn’t so much as left his hometown except to travel to math competitions. This scared him – the first thing that ever truly scared him. He was afraid that he never would travel or get out of his hometown if he let himself wait around for adventure to come to him. As more and more of their skies were mapped out, they were running out of things to explore and K’riss was desperate to get up there and find something new to write about before there was nothing new left. And so he did. With all the urgency expected of a teenager, he signed up for Starfleet Academy. With his skill in math and testing he got in easily, said a bittersweet goodbye to Cait and to K’rui, and left for Earth.

K’riss excelled at the Academy. He had always been good at testing. He would joke with others that it was his one life skill. He finally had classmates that didn’t compare him to K’rui – though now without K’rui to shelter him, some of those classmates took advantage of his trust and used him to help their own grades. But that was okay, to K’riss. He had never joined to be the best or most honest, he was just glad to have friends. K’riss graduated with surprisingly high marks. Honestly – he peaked at the Academy. It was those grades that carried him onto a decent ship, and then onto the Black Hawk. Actually, though, once he got onto a ship he kind of floundered about. It seemed, to him, as though every other engineer had already been working on ships for years. Even the ones his own age had a side project during the Academy or a kid. But not K’riss. He was a mathematician at heart, not a mechanic, and so he sort of just followed others around in his first posting. He never pretended to know more than he did and he always followed orders, but he wasn’t an engineer that anybody really relied on. For once in his life, K’riss found something that he wasn’t automatically good at, and it had the misfortune of being his one job. That was okay. He would work at it. But that only made him even more desperate to be liked for his personality, as if to make up for his lack of skill.
Service Record 2384-2388: Cadet, Starfleet Academy
2388-2389: Ensign, USS Sunbeam
2390-???: Ensign, USS Black Hawk

Immediate Family

Extended Family

Father K’liss
Mother Hrana
Sister(s) K’rui

Relationship Detail

Duty Information

Quarters Deck 10, Room 10|51
Data Access Level 4
Security Clearance Delta Two