Ensign Kendra Kyle

Name Kendra Olivia Kyle

Position Flight Control Officer

Second Position Bravo Three Pilot

Rank Ensign


  • 6 Mission Posts

Last Post

30 Jan 2024 @ 8:52am

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 23
Call Sign Legacy
Birthplace USS Valhalla

Physical Appearance

Height 155cm
Weight 48kg
Hair Color Blonde
Eye Color Blue

Personality & Traits

Languages Spoken Federation Standard

Personal History Kendra Olivia Kyle was born aboard the USS Osiris both of her parents serving in Starfleet. She spent her childhood moving from assignment to assignment her parents managing to get cohabitating assignments. It wasn’t until her mother was assigned Commander of the USS Valhalla which was part of the Starfleet Counter-Intelligence Task Force in the Fourth Fleet that she returned to earth to live with her grandparent’s on her father’s side.

On Earth, she longed to get back into the stars and was having trouble adjusting to life on the surface of a planet. When she got into high school she fell into the wrong crowd and would often end up in the Sol System in shuttles, going to Luna, and eventually getting stopped by a Starfleet patrol and detained.

After throwing around the name of her parents and her “Aunt” Allison Reyes they were able to make contact with them and she was released. At the request of her mother, Tara, she was spoken to face to face by Allison who straightened her out.

After realizing that her only chance to really get back to the stars was serving in Starfleet her goal in life was to go to the academy and become an officer. She managed to keep herself out of trouble and keep her school work up and was admitted into the academy.

Her time at the academy was a breeze academically she had decided that she wanted to be a pilot. She had been able to get summer cruises on small ships and became qualified as a helmsman on a Wallace class during the summer between sophomore and junior year. During the summer of her junior year, she went through testing to try and get advanced standing in Fighter Pilot training and was able to successfully complete the program.

Her senior year saw a small drop academically as he became distracted by a fellow cadet she became romantically involved with. Fortunately, when she realized that she was slipping she ended the relationship and moved on with her life in the academy. She graduated with a GPA just good enough to be given honors and was commissioned as an Ensign.

Flight School was her first assignment and she arrived gun-ho and ready to learn to be a pilot. The training was a lot more physically demanding than she imagined it would be. She was generally fit but still had not prepared herself for the rigors of becoming a pilot. Thankfully as the training moved on over the course of a year it became easier physically.

Socially her time in flight school was also very difficult for her she was one of the very few females in the training program. She also didn’t really fit the fighter jock look or mentality and so it caused her to be picked on quite a bit. At the one attempt at having a romantic relationship during leave, it became a spectacle within her unit after she was seen out with a local civilian by one of her classmates.

Kendra once again sacrificed her personal interests and social relationships wanting to focus on just getting through flight school. She continued to work hard physically and to work her way into the social circle of the core of her class. As they neared graduation she was one of the element leaders and held the respect of most of her classmates although some minds were difficult to impossible to change about her just based on her looks and personality.

Unfortunately on leave granted just two short months before graduation she had a lapse in her behaviors and ended up nearly washing out of the fighter pilot training. She was then sent to a temporary assignment on Starbase 72 as an auxiliary craft pilot as we as flight control officer as needed on attached ships requesting to disenroll.

After serving for a year on Starbase 72 she was able to be sent back to Fighter Pilot school and earned her wings. Most assume that it was because she used her family connections but a year of service with nothing but good conduct was the parting deal she made with the school’s CO when she asked to disenroll.

Immediate Family

Extended Family

Mother ADM Tara Kyle, Starfleet Ret.

Relationship Detail

Relationships ADM Alison Reyes, Starfleet, Considers her an Aunt.

Duty Information

Quarters Deck 11, Room 11|06
Data Access Level 4
Security Clearance Delta One
Personal Authorization Eta 3767