Lieutenant Commander Kennedy Monroe

Name Kennedy Elise Monroe M.D.

Position Chief Medical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander


  • 11 Mission Posts

Last Post

24 Sep 2024 @ 1:49am

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 35
Call Sign "Doc"
Birthdate June 6, 2355
Birthplace New York City, New York, Earth

Physical Appearance

Height 5'9"
Weight 132 lbs.
Hair Color Red
Eye Color Blue
Skin Color Caucasian
Physical Description Kennedy is tall and thin, but is much stronger than she might appear. Her skin is pale and her eyes are bright, though it’s often been said looking into Kennedy’s eyes is like looking into the eyes of an Old Soul who has lived through things far beyond her years. While on duty, she likes to wear her fiery red hair up or pulled back away from her face, but off-duty, she likes to wear it down. She has an attractive smile and walks with a grace belying her privileged early childhood.

Personality & Traits

General Overview Since graduating Starfleet Medical Academy, Kennedy has regained much of the fire, confidence, and outgoing nature she lost after witnessing her parents’ murders, although she is not as quick to smile as she once was. She is a true workaholic and saves most of her ire for people who are jeopardizing the health and well-being of those she cares about. Kennedy is extremely maternal and much more thin-skinned than she'd care to admit. Kennedy abhors violence of any kind and considers herself a healer first and foremost, something men and women of all allegiances respect.
Strengths & Weaknesses Kennedy’s true skill lies in her ability to listen and read people well. Having lived what sometimes feels like two lifetimes despite her young age, Kennedy tries to offer advice whenever she can, an ear, or at times a shoulder to cry on. A hard worker, most people don't know that she likes to develop her intellect by reading or conducting research.

Growing up, Kennedy learned the only person she could truly count on was herself. Although she has come to appreciate being a part of Starfleet and contributing to a cause that is bigger than herself alone, her primary loyalty is to the crew and those they serve, which can sometimes make her ambivalent toward the politics of service in general and less observant of certain rules and regulations.

Ambitions When she allows herself to think of life outside of work, she dreams of marrying and having children someday. She is far more competitive than most people realize and would someday like to establish her own private practice, but she is also keenly aware of what greed and vice can do to a person and is afraid to get what she wants for fear of losing it.
Hobbies & Interests She loves to read mysteries, listen to music of all types and to cook, but especially enjoys baking. With regard to research, she is drawn to understanding behavior, particularly abnormal behavior, and is also well-versed on the impact of trauma to body and mind.
Languages Spoken Federation Standard, Bajoran, and some Klingon

Personal History Kennedy Elise Monroe was born to Amelia and Zander Monroe of New York on Earth. Long before Kennedy's birth, Amelia, who would become a successful psychologist, and Zander, who would become a prominent physician, grew up in an overcrowded and under resourced community where there were too many people and not enough opportunities. They fought long and hard to give themselves better lives. After years of devoting their energies to managing their own private practices and making names for themselves in the area’s elite research community, Amelia and Zander were finally confident they could support a child. Growing up, Kennedy wanted for nothing, and although her parents made sure she never turned into a spoiled rich girl, they were also committed to making sure their only daughter never knew what it was like to be without the creature comforts they had worked so hard for.

While Kennedy enjoyed the benefits of being one of the privileged, including the lavish apartment and top-notch education geared toward preparing her for her own medical career, Amelia and Zander worked frantically to keep their own dark secrets under wraps. Never completely satisfied with what he'd accomplished, Zander had developed quite a taste for the finer things in life, along with an expensive gambling habit and a penchant for beautiful women. To this day, Kennedy isn't sure how much her mother knew about her father's illicit dealings, but Kennedy remembers her mother always managed to explain away his frequent "business trips" with a smile. Consequently, it didn’t concern Kennedy when at age 14, her father suddenly announced they were setting off on a new adventure and moving to Fairius Prime.

Eventually, Zander lost one too many times gambling and found himself owing a sizable amount to a man well-connected to organized crime. Kennedy does not know who this man is or whether he or his associates could still be alive and free, but for reasons that remain unclear, rather than being murdered, her father was enlisted to treat wounded with "no questions asked," to launder money, and to use his research expertise to manufacture large quantities of narcotics, particularly lucrative and helpful when it came to keeping the prostitutes and lowlifes involved in organized crime in line.

As a teenager, Kennedy could recall many times when her parents seemed tense and unhappy, but as a youth, she attributed the tension to her parents' hectic schedules, which often took both of them off-world. Life as Kennedy knew it came to a grinding halt, however, when one afternoon, she came home from school early to find her mother shot to death in the foyer of their apartment and her father arguing with a man dressed in black and carrying a phaser. In shock, but aware enough to preserve her own safety, Kennedy hid in the apartment's coat closet as she listened to her father being tortured in the master bedroom while the stranger in black demanded the money and drugs he was owed. Two hours later, the confrontation ended with a blast, but it would be another hour before Kennedy could convince herself to leave her hiding place and ultimately discover her father's body.

In what seemed like a heartbeat later, the authorities had seized all of her family's criminally funded assets and given up on finding and prosecuting her parents' killers. Kennedy was left without family, direction, or a place to live. Because she was only fifteen at the time, she was sent to several different foster homes. Besides grieving the loss of her parents, Kennedy had to contend with the shame of being the daughter of once prominent people. It seemed everyone loved a good scandal, particularly when it involved a fall from grace of people who on the surface, were supposed to represent the legitimate elite Fairius Prime had to offer.

She became a chronic runaway who preferred living on the streets of the Yallider Province to being bounced around from home to home. For five years, Kennedy took on whatever menial jobs she could find to support herself, while also getting herself mixed up in all sorts of trouble, including drugs, drinking, and for a time, prostitution. Living on her own was not easy by any means, and more often than not, the people she encountered were no better than the man who had killed her parents. The province had earned every bit of its vile reputation and Kennedy saw her fair share of the violence firsthand. Monroe survived by switching loyalties as often as most people changed their clothing. However, besides the violence and criminal activity, Kennedy saw others who lived in Yallider, people who were simply down on their luck and unable to get out of the hells that surrounded them, people who were just trying to keep their heads down and stay out of harm's way, people who may have at one time been like herself. Deep in her heart of hearts, Kennedy still dreamed of becoming a healer and of helping the very people whom she struggled with from day to day.

That dream was quickly discarded when at the age of twenty, Kennedy became pregnant. At the time, Kennedy believed she loved the father of her child, whom she suspected was cheating on her, and she continued to believe he loved her right up until he left for work and never came back, leaving her only with a handful of credits. Heart-broken, Kennedy eventually miscarried, but it’s a loss she has never quite gotten over. Monroe used her handful of credits to return to the Yallider Province, this time determined to build a better life for herself.

Holding down at times three legitimate jobs, Kennedy commuted to the Yesopol Province to return to school. Kennedy set her sights on becoming a doctor and serving the less fortunate, but didn't count on how difficult it would be to return home without the child she lost. Surrounded by her memories, she was determined to leave Fairius Prime as soon as possible. Starfleet appealed to her primarily because she could have a career she loved without having to settle in one place for too long.

It took her a year to complete the necessary pre-requisites and to gain the conviction to move forward. Kennedy’s biggest concern wasn't so much whether she could succeed academically, but whether she could stand to take orders. At the age of twenty-one, Monroe entered Starfleet Academy, convinced she would quit or be tossed out by the end of her first year. Older than most of her fellow cadets and having lived through more than they could imagine, Monroe kept mostly to herself, but over time became the unofficial "house mother" to many of the students in her class, lending an ear or advice when necessary. At the Academy, Kennedy was able to reinvent herself in a sense, and immerse herself in her studies while beginning to put what she saw as a past life behind her.

If Starfleet Academy was the beginning of Kennedy’s transformation, her time at Starfleet Medical completed it. In addition to studying general medicine and becoming well-versed in the variety of areas required to prepare a Starfleet physician for Fleet life on the frontier – emergency medicine, surgical medicine, and xeno-medicine. Kennedy elected to pursue specific concentrations in emergency and family medicine, becoming particularly passionate about family medicine’s focus on caring for people’s physical and emotional needs throughout their entire lifespan. She saw the value of focusing on holistic approaches that prioritized health education, disease prevention, and the treatment of body and mind. This was partly out of a desire to understand her own reactions to past events and partly out of a deep desire to help others still struggling with the psychic wounds of war and other devastating events.

By the time she graduated, she had come to trust others and depend on them in a way she hadn't since her parents’ deaths. In her own way, Kennedy was honoring her parents' memories and trying to learn what could possess two intelligent people to surround their child with violence, and what could possess a man to kill.

After graduating with distinction, Kennedy was assigned to the USS Jamestown, where she served as a staff physician. She enjoyed her time there because she gained experience within the range of duties expected of Starfleet medical officers, including the value of offering an ear and a shoulder along with hypos and scans

As much as she appreciated her time aboard the Jamestown, she wanted to travel even further into deep space on a true exploratory mission. She was assigned to the USS Ardeshir, first as a medical officer, and then later, as its Assistant Chief Medical Officer. Aboard the Ardeshir, Kennedy not only learned how to juggle multiple responsibilities in a long-term posting, she came to understand what it meant to put down roots and to feel like part of a family.

Still, after multiple first contacts and battles, Kennedy wanted a chance to further develop and challenge her clinical skills. That opportunity came in the form of the USS Hope, a hospital ship that specialized in search and rescue operations as well as emergency medical aid. Kennedy loved the adrenaline rush, helping people beyond her own crew, and working side by side with so many different medical specialists. Over the course of three years, Kennedy worked her way up the professional ladder to earn the respect of the Starfleet Medical brass.

Kennedy fully expected to remain on the Hope for many more years to come, but was surprised when she was presented with orders to report to the USS Black Hawk as Chief Medical Officer. After familiarizing herself with the ship and crew’s history, Kennedy knows she has a great deal of responsibility on her shoulders, but she is also looking forward to serving aboard a vessel with such a storied legacy behind its name.

Service Record 2376 - 2380: Starfleet Academy, Pre-Medicine graduate – summa cum laude
2380 – 2383: Starfleet Medical Academy, Advanced studies in Emergency and Family Medicine – summa cum laude
2383 – 2384: Medical Officer, USS Jamestown
2384 – 2387: Assistant Chief Medical Officer, USS Ardeshir
2387 – 2390: Assistant Chief Medical Officer, USS Hope
Present: Chief Medical Officer, USS Black Hawk

Immediate Family

Significant Other None
Children None

Extended Family

Father Zander Monroe (Deceased)
Mother Amelia Monroe (Deceased)
Brother(s) None
Sister(s) None
Other Family None

Relationship Detail

Duty Information

Quarters Room 08|04
Data Access Level 7
Security Clearance Beta One
Duty Shift Alpha