Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Carter

Name Jonathan Carter

Position Deputy Squadron Commander

Rank Lieutenant Commander


  • 1 Mission Posts

Last Post

19 Oct 2024 @ 12:52pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 38
Call Sign Jax
Owner (if NPC) Camila
Birthdate 5-15-2352
Birthplace San Francisco, Earth

Physical Appearance

Height 6'1"
Weight 190
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Brown
Skin Color Tan

Personality & Traits

Strengths & Weaknesses Passion for Flying: Jax’s love for flying is unparalleled. He spends countless hours in the simulator, perfecting maneuvers and tactics.
Leadership: Known for his calm demeanor under pressure, Jax is a natural leader who inspires confidence in his team.
Strategic Mind: His ability to think several steps ahead in combat situations has saved countless lives.
Dedication: Jax’s commitment to Starfleet and the safety of the Federation is unwavering.
Ambitions To keep flying
Hobbies & Interests Flight Simulations: Jax enjoys testing new fighter designs and tactics in the holodeck.
Martial Arts: To stay in peak physical condition, he practices various forms of martial arts.
Stargazing: In his downtime, Jax loves to observe the stars, always dreaming of new adventures.
Languages Spoken Federation Standard, Cardassian, Romulan

Personal History Jonathan “Jax” Carter was born on Earth in the city of San Francisco, the heart of Starfleet operations. From a young age, Jax was fascinated by the stars and the sleek, powerful fighters that patrolled the skies. His father, a retired Starfleet engineer, often took him to the flight simulators, where Jax’s passion for flying was ignited.

At the age of 18, Jax entered Starfleet Academy, where he quickly distinguished himself as a top pilot. His instructors noted his exceptional reflexes, strategic mind, and unwavering determination. After graduating with honors, he was assigned to the USS Dauntless, where he began his illustrious career.
Service Record Service Record:
Starfleet Academy: Graduated with honors in Advanced Tactical Flight Training, Class of 2374
USS Dauntless: Fighter Pilot, 2374-2378
USS Tatiania: Squadron Leader, 2378--2382
USS Nimitz: Tactical Officer, 2382-2386
USS Delfi-E: Wing Commander, 2386-290
USS Black Hawk: Deputy Squadron Commander 2390-Present

Immediate Family

Extended Family

Relationship Detail

Duty Information