Lieutenant JG Ross Armani

Name Ross Armani

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG


  • 5 Mission Posts

Last Post

20 Jan 2014 @ 8:04am

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 25

Physical Appearance

Hair Color Brown
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Ross is a tall and generally athletic man who enjoys pushing himself to his limits in the gym and the holosuits. From this he has a very toned appearance which is seen through his uniform. Tim is very conscious of his own appearance and always take pride in how he looks to others. His hair is usually in a messy but organised style which has been perfected over the years.

Personality & Traits

Ambitions To gain his own Command.

Personal History Early Life:

Ross was born to Stephen and Elaine Armani and was the youngest of 4 children. Upon his birth, Stephen was an executive officer on Admirals Heards ship who was the Force Commander for the 31 Task Force. His wife Elaine was working in the same Force but on the USS Pyewipe as the Chief Engineering Officer. Both his parents were established officers within Starfleet. Tim lived with his mother on the Pyewipe with the 3rd oldest child, Oliver. His older brother and sister has already enrolled into Starfleet academy and where training to be medical officers and engineers.

Ross was your average child at school in his younger years and never really stood out much to other people. He was in a sense overshadowed by Oliver who all the attention seemed to be on. Once Oliver had left the attention was now on Ross to become the last member of his family to enlist at Starfleet. Ross however became known for how mischievous he could be and how he easily shifted the blame onto other people.

At the age of 10, his father was given his own command and his mum joined him as Chief Engineering Officer. The family was finally reunited and Ross became almost a protégée child to his parents. His dad ensured that Ross experienced a broad range of settings whilst he was on the ship. 7 years later Ross gained entry to Starfleet academy.

Academy Life:

Ross’ arrival at the academy had come as little surprise to those that knew his family and great expectations rests on his shoulders. At the academy, Ross engaged in a broad programme of studies that involved Piloting, Security, Tactics, Engineering and basic medics. As well as this he studied the compulsory modules of diplomacy, history, language and survival.

It was not until his third year that he decided that he wanted to specialise in Flight Control and at this point enlisted on all the programmes that would allow this to happen. As he realised he had decided fairly late on, he took extra classes in Astrogation and Astronomy and finished top in these classes. Ross graduate from the academy as a Flight Control officer with high distinctions in most of the areas he choose to follow. Upon completion of the academy he decided to re-enrol into the academy to undertake an additional course in Piloting and Tactics. This course allowed Tim to experience a range of flight training on a variety of ships at different speeds and in different situations.

It was at this stage of his life that Ross became known as a cowboy in his training, some event going as far as saying his tactics where reckless in the simulators. The Captain of the training ship he completed a short period of time on described him as reckless, careless and had no regards for the safety of others – Ross however disagreed and successfully argued and explained how his actions on one training voyage had saved the lives of the crew – a fault which was not created by himself but by inexperienced officers in Engineering. His relaxed attitude was officially noted in a hearing after he famously replied to a Senior officer saying ‘sometimes we need to be reckless to discover our brilliance.’

Ross’ personal life seemed to always be under scrutiny at the academy and so he tried to keep as low of a profile as possible – at times this however seemed near impossible. Ross was commended for his commitment and dedication to studies but he was also known as a ladies man and a ringleader. Sometimes his antics got him into trouble when he was with large groups of people – he became known for how easily he could lead people astray. 9 times out 10 when there was trouble or a brawl, Ross would have had some influence but then was extremely good at passing the buck as to speak.

USS Peacekeeper:

Ross eventually left the academy and his first posting was as the Assistant Chief Flight Control officer on the Excelsior class USS Peacekeeper. When his posting was assigned to him Ross was extremely angry at the thought of serving on an old ship capable of minimum speeds, which was no doubt going to be very sluggish and slow to respond. Ross was not wrong with the Peacekeeper. The vessel itself was nearing the end of its lifecycle and was due to be decommissioned in 3 years time. It was also notable how the ship was old as was the vast majority of his crew.

Ross joined the ship with an open mind; wanting to bring all his training and experience he had picked up along the years to help support the crew. It was evident though from the start that these officers where risk averse to any changes and were happy to coast until the ship was decommissioned. True to his thoughts, Ross remained (with much disappointment) as part of the Peacekeepers crew until it was called for it to be decommissioned. Ross had spent the last year of his assignment feeling trapped and restricted, no one would let him try anything or make any improvements people saw little point to wasting resources.
Service Record 2380 – 2383 – Starfleet Academy – Cadet Training

2383 – 2384 – Starfleet Academy – Advanced Officer Training

2384 – 2387 - USS Peacekeeper: Asst. Chief Flight Control Officer

2387 – Present - USS Blackhawk: Chief Flight Control Officer

Immediate Family

Extended Family

Father Stephen Armani
Mother Elaine Armani
Brother(s) Oliver Armani
Christopher Armani
Sister(s) Charlotte Armani

Relationship Detail

Duty Information

Quarters Deck 2, Room 0204
Data Access Level 5
Security Clearance Beta One