Lieutenant JG Ken Rogers

Name Ken 'Stretch' Rogers

Position Chief Science Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG


  • 17 Mission Posts
  • 1 Personal Logs

Last Post

22 Oct 2015 @ 7:53pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 6'7"
Weight 145
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Deep Blue
Physical Description One tall dude, not to strong, got the nick name of 'Stretch' at the Academy, helped with changing bulbs in ceiling lights; also has heard the word 'duck!' throughout his Fleet service.

Personality & Traits

General Overview A nice fellow, hard to anger, keeps a constant supply of bandaids with him to cover bumps and bruises from not watching where he's going. Always willing to learn something new.
Strengths & Weaknesses Tall, not to muscular, can take care of himself in a fight. Good listener, not much of a talker.
Ambitions Would like to eventually Command one day, or at the least, hold 2nd Command spot. Leave a clean record when he retires, possible discover or invent something of benefit to others.
Hobbies & Interests Likes to read; will find an old book and search through Fleet records to find way to decipher it.

Personal History After graduation from Star Fleet Academy, was assigned to USS Armstrong for first tour, which was expanded to two tours as his Captain gave him good marks.. Was then assigned to Mars where he 'bunked' with brother Kenneth while serving as Assistant Science Officer to the station based there. His next assignment takes him to the USS Blackhawk, where he not only hopes to learn more, but also contribute to the Blackhawk's mission, in what ever way he can.
Service Record After graduation from Star Fleet Academy, was assigned to USS Armstrong for first tour, which was expanded to two tours as his Captain gave him good marks.. Was then assigned to Mars where he 'bunked' with brother Kenneth while serving as Assistant Science Officer to the station based there. His next assignment takes him to the USS Blackhawk, where he not only hopes to learn more, but also contribute to the Blackhawk's mission, in what ever way he can.

Immediate Family

Significant Other Single
Children None

Extended Family

Father Fred Rogers - deceased
Mother Ginger Rogers - deceased
Brother(s) Kenneth Rogers, Lieutenant in Star Fleet, assigned to Mars.
Sister(s) Mary Ann Rogers - Biologist, currently living on Earth.
Other Family Uncle(from Father's side) Roger Rogers(yeah, he didn't think it was funny either.) Possibly in Earth's solar system; family has lost track of him.

Relationship Detail

Duty Information

Quarters Deck 2 || Room 0205
Data Access Level 5
Security Clearance Beta One