Commander Terry Walsh

Name Terry Hudson Walsh

Position Squadron Commander

Rank Commander


  • 229 Mission Posts

Last Post

23 Sep 2024 @ 9:49pm

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 34
Call Sign Rocco

Physical Appearance

Height 6’ 2”
Weight 220 lbs.
Hair Color Shaved - Black
Eye Color Brown
Physical Description Terry Walsh is 34 years old, 6’ 2”, and 220 lbs. He sports a well-chiseled physique and keeps his workout regimen pretty much to himself. That’s why he prefers using the gym at odd hours. His hair, if he would let it grow, would be jet black. His brown eyes match lightly tanned skin.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Terry is pretty hardcore as far as the job goes. He’s a get the job done, crusty old Marine at heart. But when the job is done, he really knows how to relax, kick back, and enjoy a good laugh. He is very personable off duty and has a great sense of humor. Occasionally, he likes to flirt. Until the most recent mission to Yolvanda II, that is. After that mission, the virus, the recovery, and the break-up, he stopped flirting as much and as often. He became more somber and less jovial that before. He also began taking evening walks around the ship, ending up who knew where. The former Chief of Security encouraged him to find someone to talk to and open up with. Some time after that, he met Dani. Terry changed a little after that. He still didn't flirt, but he was less somber now. He could tell that she genuinely was interested in him and even went on walks with him. Terry started to relax more and enjoy his old humorous self. But there was still something different about him. Something that he could quite put his finger on. Something that Dani had brought out.
Strengths & Weaknesses Terry has the ability to step in when needed. It’s that drive that the Corp instilled into him. He’s loyal, determined, and steadfast. But he’s not without his problems. He can be little too carefree when off duty, which some people hold against him. He’s proud, likes to show off and brag a lot; rather typical of a pilot, though. Yet all that carefree stuff, pride, and bragging is really just a way for him to cover up his feelings of loss and survivor’s guilt at seeing his wingman and battle buddy blown up right in front of him. Terry deals with that on regular basis. He refuses to seek counseling.

Recently, Terry has made friends with a Lieutenant who actually talked to him about his past and the death of his father. Together, they began dealing with those plus his virus-induced actions. Terry is learning how to overcome this weakness through opening up to friends.
Ambitions It sounds strange, but Terry would like to learn a new language. He is obviously fluent in Standard Federation. He can use conversational Romulan, but that’s it. He does, however, surprise fellow co-workers when he spouts off something in ancient Earth Gaelic. He also has a desire to further his career in Starfleet...see where it takes him.
Hobbies & Interests As far as hobbies, Walsh likes to big game hunt. He prefers a planet’s surface to the holodeck any day because real meat grills. Terry loves to grill. He thinks all starships and starbases should come equipped with a charcoal grill. Most recently, he has taken to listening to classical music after a mission. He says it has a unique calming effect for him. He has also found that it helps with his survivor’s guilt feelings. He also likes hanging out and laughing with his buddies and, unusually so, has a palate for exquisite wines. His all-time favorite, of which he keeps several bottles around at all times, is Domaine de la Romanée-Conti. He has no desire to settle down and get married, but doesn’t at all mind the search. Yet another area in which Terry is a little more carefree than most. Though lately, he has pulled in the reigns on the carefree aspect of the search.

Personal History Terry was born in New York City and lived there until his dad finished recruiter’s duty and was transferred to San Diego. Terry was five years old at this time. He is also the oldest of his siblings. Paul was born two years after the move. Arianna was born about a year after Paul. Because of their closeness in age, the three became very close. For example, if ever a guy showed an interest in Arianna, Terry and Paul were the second ones to get hold of him. That is, if he made it through their dad. Terry grew up with a love and loyalty to family, which then translated over the Corps and eventually to whomever he served with.

At seventeen, Terry applied to the Starfleet Marine Corps Officer Candidate School with the intention to graduate and go to flight school. He still had a year before he could officially apply. But his parents had signed the permission form and given him the go ahead. Terry got his acceptance letter to OCS a few weeks later and headed out. He always wondered if his dad had anything to do with expediting the process. His first couple of years at OCS weren’t that bad. It was almost like living at home again. However, the rest of his time there proved to be more difficult. Classes got harder and Terry failed a few of them; Astrophysics being the worst. But he buckled down, studied hard, and passed them the second time around with high ‘C’s and low ‘B’s. He graduated and immediately went to flight school.

Terry worked his hardest at flight school. It was here that he met his best friend and future battle buddy, Mark Shelby. Upon graduation, he was assigned to the USS Brisingr, an Excalibur Class Explorer, to fly the Typhoon Class Fighters. Terry worked and trained hard day after day but never saw any action. Being stationed on a starship as a Marine fighter pilot was beginning to look like a cushy assignment. And Terry didn’t want a cushy assignment. Three years and a promotion later, First Lieutenant Terry Walsh got his wish. The Brisingr was dispatched to assist another ship that was being attacked. The reports were sketchy as to who was doing the attacking, but it didn’t matter to Terry. It was fight time. His squadron was called upon to provide close air support.

In February of the following year, Walsh was transferred to the USS Saratoga, an Akira Class Heavy Cruiser. It was a veritable launching pad for Marine air combat missions. It was here that Terry met up with his old flight school friend, Mark Shelby. The two caught up on old times and laughed about some things they did in flight school. But that wouldn’t last much longer.

May 16 is a day that will be forever scarred into the memory of Terry Walsh. The Saratoga picked up a distress call from a Federation outpost. Some leftover Jem'Hadar forces had entered orbit and were transporting soldiers to the surface of the planet. While en route, the Marines were briefed on their mission. Two squadrons were to provide cover for the other two as they headed to the surface to take care of any ground forces. Then the first two were to assist the Saratoga.

Near the end of the battle, the USS Ramses and the USS Orion showed up. The Sovereign and Nebula class dropped out of warp and immediately opened fire, helping protect the Saratoga. Other fighters were launched from the ships to aid the already tiring Marines from the Saratoga.

Shortly after Federation reinforcements arrived, Mark Shelby’s fighter was hit by phaser fire from an enemy attack ship. The resulting damage was bringing his fighter to the point of explosion. Mark knew this, and relayed a last minute message to Terry, “It’s not your fault, buddy.” The explosion of Mark’s fighter nearly destroyed Terry’s. He was losing consciousness as he remembered Mark’s dying words, “It’s not your fault, buddy.” Terry will always be trying to deal with the death of his best friend.

After several years, things had quieted down and the Corps had lost lots of good men and women. And so had Starfleet. Who, by the way, was switching gears back to exploration. Some of the Marines were getting med-boarded out and others were being transferred to less demanding places and assignments as their need aboard starships and stations dwindled. For example, quite a few of Terry’s friends were getting orders to be instructors at flight school. That’s not what he wanted. It never was. He liked flying and there was nothing else he wanted to do. But there wasn’t much of a call for Marine combat pilots anymore. But he still put in for duty at an active squadron. The Corp finally found one on a Sovereign class ship, the USS Xerxes.

A few years later, Terry got a call from home. His dad was dead. Age had finally caught up to Leon’s war-torn body and he succumbed to its will. The Corp refused to give Terry the long sabbatical that he needed, so he resigned. Burying his dad and dealing with the resultant anguish was difficult. The only redemption he found was in caring for his mother. But after almost two years, even she noticed that Terry was antsy. And she knew what it was, too…her boy longed for the black, the wide open space. He was meant to be a flyer. So Connie visited Arianna and Andrew over the next couple of months to talk about an idea she had. She knew that Terry would only go back to flying if she was well cared for. Arianna and Andrew had a small, apartment sized house built next to theirs for Connie to live in. That way, she could be close if she needed anything, but still able to live her own life. Terry accepted the arrangement and rejoined Starfleet, but at a price.

The Marines had been downsizing drastically. And the whole Hobus thing didn’t help matters either. So Terry’s only option was an actual Starfleet uniform and lower rank. Accepting the offer and the fact that he would have to work hard to get back to where he had been before, Terry put on the uniform of a Starfleet officer. He went through all the proper academies, schools and training necessary to move over the Fleet side of the house. It just took a while to get used to, being part of the Fleet, but he made it work.

Sometime after being assigned to the USS Black Hawk, Terry was promoted to Lieutenant Commander and given command of the 325th Black Knights...the ship's starfighter squadron. Terry happily served in that position and continues to do so. Since then, the brawny Squadron Commander has been through one relationship that ended after he contracted a virus that nearly killed him after driving him insane. His bout of insanity caused him to think that he was still a Marine fighter pilot and had been captured by the Jem'Hadar. Once Terry started to heal physically, he found that he also had some healing to do emotionally and mentally. He became a different person after that, or so it seemed. He was more somber, less jovial, and his casualness had disappeared.

Enter Camila Di Pasquale, the former Security Chief, who had helped him along at one point and told him that he needed to find someone to talk to. Camila had become a good friend. And she was right, he needed to find someone that he could not only talk to, but really open up to. There were many things in his life that he hadn't dealt with, many things that bothered him, and what he needed was someone to listen. That's when the big guy got torpedoed in the ship's pool by a petite blonde from Medical, Daniella Blake. Dani and Terry hit it off well. They began getting to know one another when they went on walks around the ship and had meals together. That's what he'd been missing...the relaxing, the hanging out, the getting to know someone.

In 2388, the Black Hawk and the Black Knights came face to face with the Consortium at DS11. Terry lost some good people during that battle and almost his own life. He had to emergency beam-out before his Valkyrie exploded. He was then beamed onto a Jem'Hadar fighter, as the Dominion had actually joined the battle against the Consortium. From there, Lt. Commander Walsh watched as the USS Black Hawk hurtled toward the planet below. The next two months of shore leave proved to be needed. Though, Terry wasn't sure where he was going after it was over. Near the end, both he and Dani and received their orders to report to DS9. Terry eventually found out that he had been assigned to the USS Black Hawk-A, a relatively new Century class ship with a new fighter, the Gryphon class.

The events in the Zone, added to all that had transpired to Terry over the last year, tempered the man even more. He was still humorous. He was still cordial. But knowing that there were even more dangerous creatures in the galaxy besides the Dominion settled him and caused him to start looking at the bigger picture. Add to that, his personal experiences of time displacement and being taken over by an alien parasite, Terry Walsh was different. And it showed in his appearance.


Terry looked older, had a few more wrinkles, and had taken on a more serious (some would say sarcastic) look to his personality. Some even said he looked a little...bigger. Like he'd added a few pounds. Terry said it was a build up of muscle mass due to his additional time in the gym. Working out had always been a way that Terry dealt with issues in his life. And the last few months were no different. He could add weights and push the anger out. He could set up a punching bag and pound at the imagined Scruna. This new aspect, whether serious or sarcastic, had come out as a new facial expression for the man.


After shore leave, he was recalled to duty aboard the USS Black Hawk-A, a Century class vessel. Terry had enjoyed the time off, but was glad to be back in the saddle again. Then in January of 2390, an unexpected event occurred. Commander Walsh was made the Executive Officer of the Black Hawk. It was a new experience for him, but he was determined to make the best of it.
Service Record 2371: Starfleet Marine Corps Officer Candidate School, flight school, USS Brisingr.
2373: February. Walsh transferred to USS Saratoga, an Akira Class Heavy Cruiser.
2375: 16 May. Lt. Mark Shelby, KIA. Posthumously promoted to Captain
2376: Later that year, Walsh gets transferred to USS Xerxes, a Sovereign Class ship.
2385: Walsh resigns from SFMC to deal with the death of his father and care for his mother.
2387: Rejoined Starfleet as a starship pilot, at a loss of rank and Marine status.
2387: Late in the year, promoted to Lt. Cmdr. and assigned as Squadron Commander, 325th Black Knights.
2388: After shore leave, recalled to duty aboard the USS Black Hawk-A, Century Class.
2390, January: Commander Walsh assigned as Executive Officer, USS Black Hawk-A.

Immediate Family

Significant Other Dating Lieutenant JG Daniella Blake
Children None

Extended Family

Father Command Sergeant Major Leon Walsh, Starfleet Marine Corps, Ret. [British descent, deceased]
Mother Connie (Brennan) Walsh [Irish descent]
Brother(s) Chief Petty Officer Paul Walsh, Flight Deck Super, USS Constantinople
Sister(s) Arianna Fisher, RN, Civilian; wife of Dr. Andrew Fisher, civilian
Other Family Timothy and Marie Brennan; Timothy – Archaeology Professor
Lt. JG Patrick Brennan, Cousin – Archaeology/Anthropology Officer, USS Galton

Relationship Detail

Duty Information

Quarters Deck 9, Room 09|09
Data Access Level 7
Security Clearance Beta One
Personal Authorization Walsh-Sierra-Golf-One-Niner-Alpha
Duty Shift Alpha | Flight Deck