View Awards - Camila Di Pasquale

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Out Of Character Awards

Award Reason
Rudely Awakened Rudely Awakened
Awarded 16 Feb 2016 @ 9:07pm
Nominated by Commodore (Brevet) Harvey Geisler
Vaccinated Vaccinated
Awarded 05 Jun 2016 @ 6:31pm
Nominated by Commodore (Brevet) Harvey Geisler
Exceptional Teamwork Exceptional Teamwork
Awarded 05 Jun 2016 @ 6:53pm
Nominated by Commodore (Brevet) Harvey Geisler
For her work, along with Walsh, in tracking down Patient Zero.
Le Rose Le Rose
Awarded 05 Jun 2016 @ 6:53pm
Nominated by Commodore (Brevet) Harvey Geisler
For her portrayal of SCPO Rasputin in the Aidan/Rasputin Tango.
CO's Honor CO's Honor
Awarded 05 Jun 2016 @ 6:55pm
Nominated by Commodore (Brevet) Harvey Geisler
For her exceptional contributions to Mission 7: Outbreak.
Purple Heart Purple Heart
Awarded 03 Oct 2016 @ 3:10am
Nominated by Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler
For her injury sustained on the bridge during the battle with the Valdore.
Risked It All Risked It All
Awarded 05 Nov 2016 @ 6:21pm
Nominated by Commodore (Brevet) Harvey Geisler
CO's Honor CO's Honor
Awarded 28 Jan 2017 @ 10:55pm
Nominated by Commodore (Brevet) Harvey Geisler
Though Lt. Di Pasquale is not on the command team, she stepped into the role of Acting Executive Officer during the last mission to help hold the ship and crew together. In doing so, her character was stretched like never before and exhibited quite some unique growth during the last mission. I cannot wait to see more from Camila.
Departmental Distinction: Security Departmental Distinction: Security
Awarded 01 Apr 2017 @ 1:44pm
Nominated by Commander Terry Walsh
Team Camila and Battle of the Computer Core: Lt. Di Pasquale distinguished herself in these JP's by overcoming insurmountable odds as the leader of a Security infiltration team. Her team was one of two that infiltrated an enemy held station. They battled their way down through decks via a phaser drill while fighting off enemy personnel, Consortium and Selamat. When they finally reached the Secondary Computer Core, Lieutenant Di Pasquale's team encountered heavy resistance. The Lieutenant's ingenuity and knowledge of the Secondary Core allowed her to backtrack and gain entrance through another access point. She then completed her mission by placing the isolinear chip into the computer core and broadcasting a message station-wide. The result was the stand down of personnel and a stop to the loss of life within the station. Lieutenant Di Pasquale is a credit to herself and the Starfleet Security Department by consistently demonstrating dedication and the ability expected of a Department Head.

Exceptional Teamwork Exceptional Teamwork
Awarded 04 Jan 2020 @ 2:57pm
Nominated by Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler
This season went out with a bang, and it definitely did not disappoint. For that reason, I feel this award should go to the entire Black Hawk crew for all of their efforts put forth to make it an outstanding mission.