Simulation Rating

Created by Commodore Harvey Geisler on 26 Apr 2015 @ 1:32pm

The USS Black Hawk simulation has been approved for a 16+ Rating under the Bravo Fleet Constitution and ByLaws. As part of this rating, the following stipulations apply:

  1. Sim may contain frequent use of offensive language (cursing).
  2. Sim may contain graphic description of violence, but may not contain description of extreme violence, injuries, acts of mutilation or of sadism to such level they may cause shock or offense to the average adult reader.
  3. Sim may contain reference to specific sexual acts, but may not contain descriptions of the acts being performed. No descriptions of the aroused state of any sex organs or body parts or of penetration, masturbation, rape or any other form of non-consensual sexual acts.

The closet North American rating is "PG-13" and the Universal RPG Rating is: l2_s1_v2.gif

For more information on Bravo Fleet Ratings, click HERE.