Grievance Protocol
Created by Commodore Harvey Geisler on 01 Jun 2015 @ 3:54am
It is our goal to create and encourage a healthy, friendly and creative environment. On occasion, however, there comes a player who seeks to take advantage of this environment or looks to always have his/her way.
As such, any player who has a conflict with another player is encourage to bring any and all grievances or complaints to the XO and/or CO. We will investigate and deal with the situation accordingly. Often times, this is a matter of miscommunication and is easily cleared up. In the event of a larger complication, the command staff will seek alternative means to bring the conflict to the end, including, but not limited to, moderated posting and possibly removal from the simulation.
The Command Staff, at any time, reserves the right to remove any player from this simulation who has violated the Rules set forth in the Bravo Fleet Constitution & By-Laws and/or the Rules adopted by this simulation.
Categories: Simulation Rules & Regs | Personnel