Created by Commodore Harvey Geisler on 08 Dec 2013 @ 7:58am
You may only create NPCs and PNPCs throughout the ship, as long as they don't outrank you. Bear in mind that NPCs are not to usurp any Player Characters in each department.
During the mission, the GM will create spots for players to create a PNPC specific for the mission. For example, if there are to be treaty negogations on a planet, the GM will, in an OOC comment in his post, will state that a certain character is needed to be an ambassador, administrator, adversary, or something else. Usually, the opportunity is given to the person who jumps at the role first, or sometimes who can come up with the best idea for the character.
Only the creator of a NPC can declare if that character will or will not be Player-Controlled by inputting their name in the bio of the character. Once a NPC is declared as a PNPC, only the player who created that character can control it. Otherwise, the NPC is declared unowned, and any player is allowed to use any NPC.
Categories: Simulation Rules & Regs