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Mission Complete

Posted on 05 Jun 2016 @ 3:32pm by Commodore Harvey Geisler

After a record-setting 149 posts, Mission 7: Outbreak has finally come to a close. Thank you all for an incredible mission. The writing was not just excellent, it was outstanding and it certainly set the bar for what is to come.

All players who participated in the events at New Risa have now received a “Vaccinated” award ribbon.

The ”Old Timer” award is given to Lt. Bast and Lt. Di Pasquale. The ”Ancient One” is awarded to Lt. Cmdr. Walsh and Lt. Rykov. And, finally, the ”Really Ancient One” is bestowed upon Cmdr. Kos.

I also have a few special awards this time around.

The “Exceptional Teamwork” award goes to two different groups. First, I want to thank Doctor Kij, Lt. Bast and Lt. Cmdr. Casey for their hard work in developing a cure for this nasty virus. Second, I want to recognize Lt. Cmdr. Walsh and Lt. Di Pasquale in their work in tracking down Patient Zero.

Our definition of normal has also been challenged in the last few months. As such, our first ever “Energizers on Full” award is bestowed upon Lt. Cooper.

And, in honor of firsts, our new “Le Rose” award will go to Jerrod and BJ for their portrayal of Cadet Aidan and SCPO Rasputin. As I’ve described their relationship on IRC, reading the stories of these two characters is like watching an intricate dance. The quality of writing and the incredible depiction of their relationship is unlike anything I’ve seen in my career in simming.

Finally, the ”CO’s Honor” is given to both Doctor Kij and Lieutenant Di Pasquale for their exceptional contributions to Mission 7.

Normally, I do this before the mission ends, but time was not my ally this time around. Therefore, even though the mission is over, I’ll am officially opening nominations for the following awards: Grumpelstiltskin, Player’s Choice, Le Rose, and Honor of Excellence. You have one week to vote.

With this, I declare Mission 8: Risky Business to be open. Any JPs that are still outstanding can be still backposted, and I'll move them to Outbreak if necessary. It is now August 1, 2388, and we are orbiting Starbase Unity. Stand by for Mission Notes.


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