And The Winner Is...
Posted on 02 Aug 2016 @ 2:15am by Commodore Harvey Geisler
Hello everyone! Before I open this envelope in my hand, I want to congratulate all of you. We had a record setting 74 posts for July. During that time, our family has grown significantly. I can only hope that it continues to grow, and our fabulous stories become more incredible. Now... on with the awards.
Le Rose: Captain Geisler & Lieutenant Corwin
Exceptional Teamwork: Lt. Commander Jayla Kij
Energizers on Full: Cadet Kelly Khan
Grumpelstiltskin: Lieutenant JG Isobel Summers
Next up is Post of the Month....
"Wake Up Call" by Capt. Geisler, Cmdr. Teixeira, Lt. Cmdr. Walsh, Lt. Cmdr. Kij, Lt. Cmdr. Casey, Lt. Kilmartin, Lt. Di Pasquale, Lt. Corwin, Lt. Stuart, Lt. Ballar, Lt. Langston, Lt. Cooper, Lt. Summers, Ens. Dzhossen & Ens. Sutherland. Now I just have to figure out how to give that to all of you...
And now, the Player of the Month is....
Lieutenant JG Felix Langston! Many players were nominated for this month, and it was a very difficult decision. It was this nomination that did it in: "For jumping right into the posting just like he's been here for twelve years. Excellent job!" It takes a lot for a new player to not just catch up to us, but to keep up means a lot more.
Finally... we have the winner of our Writing Challenge. This has been extremely difficult to decide, so much so that I've decided to have a couple of Runner Ups who will get to do something special with the Captain soon.
2nd Runner Up: Ensign Sutherland
1st Runner Up: Lieutenant JG Langston
Winner: Lt. Commander Walsh
Congratulations to everyone! I do not have a contest for August, mainly because things are about to get crazy enough as it is...
~Captain Geisler
Category: Out of Character