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Recent Changes In The Fleet

Posted on 09 Jan 2017 @ 7:40pm by Commodore Harvey Geisler

Hi everyone,

I have been holding off announcing a few changes in Bravo Fleet simply because there is a lot going on, and I preferred to cover them in one fell swoop.

First and foremost, the Bravo Fleet Commanding Officer has resigned. In his place, a Bravo Fleet Command Council (BFCC) has been formed. There have been a lot of discussions as of late between the Bravo Fleet Admiralty (BFA) and the BFCC about how to improve the fleet.

In order to make these decisions, we have decided to form not one, but FOUR different workgroups.

  • RULES: Reform the Constitution, taking advantage of past drafts that folks have come up with an expanding on new ideas brought to the table; refactor the By-laws, stripping out things that no longer fit and adding/modifying procedure to be more effective in the future; look at the topic of JAG and consider if and how such a role could work; consider what other rules Bravo Fleet needs to establish, for example an intellectual property policy, donations policy, etc.
  • CANON: Make the current canon more accessible, be it through a portal describing the current state of the galaxy, revising articles on the wiki, or whatever else; smooth out inconsistencies and messiness in our historical canon, and make that more accessible for those that like to base their stories in history; look at the current state of Bravo Fleet's story and consider where we might go strategically from here etc.
  • PLAYER EXPERIENCE: Look at how things could be changed to make things easier and more fun for players and game masters; look at how we might help struggling simms more rather than just penalizing them for not getting/staying active; consider how the Fleet can make itself more valuable in general to the players so they are encouraged to engage beyond just their simm, such as through events or services; consider systems of reward such as the HoH.
  • COMMUNITY OUTREACH: Look at how we can market and position ourselves to expand our user base; consider social media, platforms and outreach strategies; consider if these might be things outside of Star Trek that we could incorporate; etc.

Participation in these groups are completely voluntary, and every voice will be heard. Should you like to participate in any of these groups (you can serve on all four if you want!) then please visit this LINK. This isn't an application process. Anyone who wants to participate can, just as long as they have an active character in the fleet, which is everyone on this sim.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.

-Andrew / HG

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