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Day 2

Posted on 22 Aug 2024 @ 7:08pm by Commodore (Brevet) Harvey Geisler

We have now entered Day 2 of our mission. It will be brief both IC and OOC as I plan to jump us to Day 3 in a week or two where we'll arrive at Gavara and be a little busy.

Feel free to have your characters interact with survivors, perform duties, or just explore the ship. As always, I'm available for JPs. Just reach out to me in DM, or fire up a starter and I'll join you.

For ideas, check out 50 Mission Post Ideas:

The Mission Notes within Nova here have been updated, don't hesitate to refer to those.

And, finally, I'm seeking volunteers to participate in an "Command" post at Gavara that will involve COs and XOs from ships in the Task Group. If you're interested, send me a ping!

~Le Frog


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