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Reports and Reports

Posted on 18 Apr 2018 @ 1:12am by Captain Harvey Geisler & Senior Chief Petty Officer Mila Rasputin

1,452 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: The Search Begins
Location: Bridge
Timeline: MD 2 || 0800 Hours

With most of the senior officers off on an away mission, Mila felt like she had next to nothing to do, but there was always work to be done and communiques marked for Harvey's attention. However, ever since they had gone through the barrier, the flow of those had came to a trickle and were only from the crew. It was strange being cut off from the Federation, but she had Aidan, Chow and the friends she had made on the ship.

She sighed and gathered the slim stack of PADDs that she had compiled and wondered if she should have condensed them into one PADD, but it would at least seem that she had been productive in Administration, With them firmly in hand, she left her office and headed to the bridge while humming a Russian folk song under her breath. When the turbolift came to a halt, the Russian Yeoman stepped out and scanned the bridge for the Captain.

But Captain Geisler was nowhere to be found. An ensign who was taking a look at the ship's Master Situational Display spotted the senior chief and nodded his head towards the Ready Room.

Mila gave a nod of thanks to the Ensign and walked over to the Ready Room door to press the chime.

The door panels parted to reveal Captain Geisler about to exit the office, armed only with a stainless steel coffee mug filled with coffee. Thankfully, the chime warned him someone was there, and saved Mila from taking a bath in the scalding hot liquid. "Ah, Mila. I guess it is that time already."

She stepped back automatically when the doors swished open and saw the solid form of the Captain standing there with a mug that smelled of coffee. "Da, Captain," she said. "And I am seeing that you are taking advantage of Lieutenant Geisler not being here."

"I get them in when I can," Harvey said, waving the cup ever so gently. "This is the first one since that day we breeched the barrier."

"I am not blaming you, merely making observation," Mila said. "Are you wishing reports? I am being afraid that you are not having much to read, but is what is being available."

Harvey planned on spending the next few hours on the bridge. After all, his first officer and several key department heads were off the ship, including the Chief of the Boat. He needed to be present until they returned, especially in this unknown region of space. Besides, it'd be rude to refuse considering she just brought them all the way here from Administration. Therefore, he nodded and stepped aside, but didn't leave the Ready Room.

She entered the Ready Room and set the slim stack of PADDs on his desk before she turned back to him. "Has all been going well since things have been settled again?" she asked. As yet, she hadn't made a single attempt to ferret any more information out of him or Joey after his wife had made an allusion that she knew what was going on with the Captain of the Black Hawk and had more or less given up trying to figure it out or do more snooping into his paranoid behavior.

If he still had any paranoid behavior, Harvey certainly didn't exhibit any. "Everything's going well," he said, believing that Joey already told her that they knew what they were having. "They're supposed to start tearing out that wall in our quarters so we can start preparing for the twins."

"Da. I am seeing reports in Administration for work orders, requests and such," Mila said. "Is being an exciting time, but I am hoping that we are being back home before Joey is having them. I am planning baby shower for her. Would you like to be coming?"

"Coming?" Harvey asked, both eyebrows shooting up. He was and wasn't surprised that she asked him. "Isn't is customary for these showers to just be for the mother and her girlfriends?"

The Russian Yeoman gave him a sideways look. "It is being twenty-fourth century, Harvey," she said. "All are being welcome to events such as these."

Harvey nodded. He knew full well what day and age in which they were living, assuming that there hadn't been any temporal transference when they crossed into the zone. "I... I'll think about it." As much as he'd like to attend, he didn't want to feel out of place, which he knew he would be as he'd be part of the center of attention. He didn't want to take that from Joey.

"Then I will mark you as being maybe so Joey will know that I was extending invite to you as well," Mila said with a smile. "If you are not coming, then I will be safe from hormonal wrath."

As if he were mocking the truth, Harvey raised the mug high and took a sip of the black energy elixir. "Then maybe it is," he confirmed, resisting the urge to allow his pleasure from savoring the coffee show. "She's twenty-two weeks along thus far. When are you planning the shower?"

"I am hoping in next week or two depending what is happening here and if we are being back on other side of Zone before then," the Yeoman responded. "I would not dare to use resources which we may not be able to replace."

He couldn't help but chuckle. "That's assuming we find what we're looking for in the next couple of weeks. The Zone's pretty vast, and our sensors aren't making quick work of it. We could be here for a few months."

"Then I will make due," Mila said, refusing to be discouraged. "You are knowing that I am able to get by with what is available without taking from the whole. Besides," she reasoned. "Will be good crew morale booster."

"Indeed it will," he confirmed. "Speaking of morale, I know we've been here for a few weeks. How's the crew, at least what you've been able to see?"

"Other than dealing with memories all flooding back and causing conflicts, I am seeing that the crew is pulling together for solidarity and comfort," she reported. "A shared experience such as we are going through is something which is uniting us more as we are all having it in common."

Harvey smiled, pleased with that answer. It was quite the contrast. Just a few months ago, the crew was uncertain with each other, thanks to Consortium plants threatening to tear apart the very fabric that tied all of their lives together. And, while Harvey had kept his distance, questioning every member of the crew, the crew had done just the opposite and banded together against a danger they'd yet to encounter. To that end, he sipped his coffee once more. "That is good," he remarked, both about the taste and her report. "The last thing we need is a wedge driving us apart."

Mila debated internally for a moment, then decided to broach a topic. "How are you being in that regard?" she asked him.

"In what regard?" Harvey asked. "Driving wedges between myself and someone else?"

"Da," she said as she met his eyes. "You are being welcome to be telling me to be minding my own business, of course."

He nearly chuckled before taking a drink of his coffee. "Let's just say there's no reason for a wedge anymore."

"Good," Mila said firmly. "Joey and rest of crew was not needing it and I was being ready to wedge foot...nevermind. I am being glad, though."

"My ass thanks you," he said, still standing in the open doorway. "Perhaps when Chief Stephens gets back from the mission, we should look into different activities we can organize for the crew. Keep spirits afloat while we're in here. After all, we've been here longer than we were in that alternate universe."

The Russian woman couldn't help but laugh, a very hearty sound that came from deep within her and it took her a minute to recover. "Da, da," she agreed after wiping the tears from her cheeks. "I will be talking to him."

Harvey chuckled this time, smiling from his originally deadpan attempt at humor. Had Mila been so tightly wound recently that she needed a solid belly laugh? "Sounds like you needed that."

"I did," Mila said as she took a much needed breath. "I will be remembering that for years to come," she said. "And if you are not needing anything else, I should be letting you get back to business."

Harvey nodded, taking another sip. "All is well for now. Thanks, Mila." With that, Harvey nodded and departed the Ready Room.


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