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After Action Review

Posted on 14 Jun 2018 @ 1:00am by Senior Chief Petty Officer Mila Rasputin & Captain Harvey Geisler

2,942 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: The Search Begins
Location: Administration
Timeline: MD 2 || 0930 hours

Barely an hour had passed since the drill had been conducted. For the most part, Harvey thought the crew had performed well, especially since most of his senior staff hadn't been around for it. What surprised him, however, was some of the scuttlebutt that had worked its way up to the bridge. For a simulation, the ship certainly had some real damage.

That is what brought Harvey down from the bridge to Administration, to see if the rumored plasma fire was indeed true. Sure enough, the blackened bulkheads and the exposed inner mechanisms of the ship were enough to corroborate the situation. "Well," he muttered, standing now in the administration office and viewing the charred metal for himself for the first time, "that was unexpected."

Mila came out of her office with a PADD in one hand and didn't notice the Captain at first. "Johannsel, T'Rol, I toldt three times already, don't forward these reports to me if they're not complete and signed off on," she told two errant Yeomans who looked like Targ caught in a floodlight during a hunt with no trace of an accent to her voice.

Harvey couldn't say he was surprised to see the Senior Chief back at work. If a plasma fire couldn't phase her, what could? The Captain honestly didn't want to find out. He did, however, want to see how long it would take for her to notice him, therefore, he simply kept quiet.

"Neeman! No, no, no, nyet," the brunette said as she stormed over to him. "I told you that I do not want you changing anything. You aren't authorized and it sets off an alert every time you try. Move," she ordered the terrified Yeoman that quickly moved out of the way so she could reset it. She spotted someone from the corner of her eye that seemed to be just standing around and turned to focus her administrative wrath on whoever it was.

"Why are you..." Mila started before everything about her seemed to change. Her expression softened and her accent came back. "Captain," she said as she approached him. "What is bringing you by?" she asked pleasantly while another Yeoman did a double take.

He hadn't expected the suspension of her accent, though it did sound strangely familiar. Rather than verbally reply, he kept his gaze fixed on her, but pointed at the blackened bulkhead, letting the ship speak for him for once.

She followed his finger and shrugged. "Was being plasma fire in one of consoles when we are being under drill," she said. "Lieutenant Hawthorne was showing up and fixed it. Is good once is fully repaired."

"I see," remarked Harvey. He looked over at the hole, then back to Mila. "Let's take a walk," he told her, nodding his head at the open doorway leading out into the corridor.

Mila thought it was strange, but when the Captain wanted to go for a walk, people didn't say no. "Ingman, you are having control of office until I am returning," she told another Yeoman before she headed towards the door. "Is being my pleasure, Captain," she said.

Harvey led the way out into the corridor. Even though it was just a short while after the drill, the corridors were still abuzz with activity. Still, the traffic was not enough for Harvey to avoid speaking candidly. "How'd you like the unscheduled drill?" he asked.

"It was like watching Earthrise from New Berlin on calm day," she said. "Aside from the fact that I am falling on behind, PADDs are being scattered, and what was being other thing?" She paused for a moment as if she couldn't remember. "Oh, console catching fire. Da. Was perfect time for drill."

Harvey chuckled. "I have a feeling that console would have caught fire regardless of the drill," he remarked. "I was actually wondering if it was more chaotic considering that there were only two members of the senior staff aboard at the time."

"Chaotic is not being word," Mila said. "In Russian, word would be most foul and would cause many fights. Assistant Chiefs are sending in unsigned reports that are being half done, some are doing nothing but asking questions, and others are simply doing nothing. Is being that word that I am being too polite to be saying."

"Doesn't seem like you need it," Harvey observed, keeping his hands by his side as he turned down a junction. "The word or the accent, it seems. Unless, that is, you were doing some sort of impression, and a quite excellent one at that."

She had known the day would come when she'd be caught without her accent and gave him a wry smile as she dropped it. "It's really a matter of efficiency when I'm on duty, Captain," she said. "When I'm dealing one on one with someone," she paused and her way of speaking changed back to the way he had gotten used to. "Accent is being more intimate and is allowing me to feel like I am being home with those that I am caring about."

Captain Geisler knew that Mila had cared about him for a long time, ranging from the bedside care he'd received from her after being shot to her friendship and even her role in kindling the romance between him and Joey. "I can understand that," he said, making it a point not to chastise her about it.

"But if you wish, Captain, I can forgo my tradition of keeping a piece of home alive and speak normally," Mila said. "After eleven years in space, most people lose their accents unless they have very strong ones to begin with."

"You shouldn't change what is inherently you just for a ship of eight hundred," Harvey said. "Infinite Diversity and all that. You just... caught me off guard, that's all."

"I know that some people have a hard time understanding me when I use my native accent, which is why I don't use it when I'm in Administration," she told him. "I apologize for the confusion."

"The only thing that's confusing is why you felt the need to hide it," Harvey pointed out. "Besides, there are plenty of ways to communicate, especially when the translator has thousands of languages and accents in memory."

"Da, but fast and loose use of verbs is being very confusing for translator," Mila said. "Is being fun to be watching confusion on peoples faces when they are hearing translation if they are not listening to what I am actually saying and translating it with their own brains." Yes, the Russian took a sort of sadistic glee in that fact and it was clear that she went out of her way at times to speak as confusingly as possible just so people would give in to her and agree.

Harvey nodded, unsure of what else to say on the subject. "I can imagine," he said. "I do need your help with something though," he told her.

"Your wish is being my command, Captain," she told him and waited to see what he would need.

"As you know, just the smell of coffee is enough to turn Joey's stomach," he told her. "All it takes is for me to pass through the mess hall in the morning, even though I don't come within twenty feet of it. I've been trying teas, but nothing holds a candle to the elixir of life."

"So what are you wishing me to be doing?" Mila asked since he didn't actually state what he needed help with.

"I can't hide it anymore," Harvey explained. "Believe me, I've tried everything. Before I start hiding a hypospray with caffeine on my person, I need some other ideas. I was hoping you might know of a couple non-coffee drinks that might act as a substitute for a while."

She accessed her eidetic memory on what she knew or had read about coffee and natural substitutes and finally looked at him. "Best bet is being roasted ground Guarana beans," she said. "Is not tasting like coffee, but is just as rich in caffeine and is having positive benefits as well which coffee is not having. I am certain that you could be adding flavoring to it to be making it more suited to your palette as well."

"Anything is worth a try," Harvey admitted. "At this point, I'm almost desperate. I did have a cup today as soon as she left, but I know I can't keep hoping for opportunities like that. It's enough just worrying about the lives of the Away Team, and then there's the little ones."

"I will do more research on coffee substitutes," Mila said before her expression softened and she reached out to lay a hand on his arm gently. "If I am knowing Joey, she is having them eating out of palm of her hand. I would not be worrying much about her or others."

"I... uh..." Harvey asked, turning another junction. "I don't suppose there's any non-replicated Guarana beans on board is there?" He always preferred the real stuff, but replicated would always do in a pinch.

"That I am not knowing," she said after a moment of thought. "But would not be difficult to find out if we are able to be growing some on board if we are not having it."

Harvey nodded, completely understanding. "I'll have to give it a shot. How are things with you? I'm certain you've got your fingers close on the crew's pulse."

"They're worried, Harvey," Mila said as she walked with him. "You are knowing what happened to us when we came through Zone. Many are wondering if we will be able to make it back through or be in worse condition. I am thinking we should hold concert or come up with other ways to be improving morale."

"A concert?" he asked. "I know Lieutenant Di Pasquale plays the violin, and very excellently at that. Who else aboard plays an instrument?"

"I would have to run a search to be finding out who is playing what," she said. "Contrary to what is believed, I am not knowing everything about everyone."

A grunt escaped Harvey's throat. "You're not supposed to be revealing your limitations, Mila. First your lack of accent, and now your lack of knowledge of the crew. You're not slipping, are you?" Harvey was joking, and he hoped it would be received as such.

Mila gave him a sly look with a devious smile twitching the corners of her mouth. "Why Harvey," she said. "You of all people should be knowing that I don't want to miss a thing."

The grunt became a chuckle this time. "Touché." Rounding a corner, he spotted the Administration complex ahead, the result of following the corridor around the deck. "Anything else we need to discuss?" he asked.

It was her turn to chuckle as she walked beside of him. "Is all being in reports, but to be honest, reports are not as important as other factors. People are worried and I am suggesting something else besides concert. I am thinking they are needing to be hearing from you shipwide to be told that you are there for them and that everything is to be fine."

Harvey nodded, realizing that it had been a while since he'd communicated with everyone. He'd been too caught up in the repairs and everything else once they'd entered the zone. "I'll see about doing that later this morning," Harvey said. "Once I've had time to work on a few thoughts."

"Be getting another cup of coffee while you are at it and do not be a grouch," Mila told him. "No one is liking grouch who is telling them to be having faith."

"I'd rather try that guarana root or whatever you called it," Harvey remarked. "I already had one cup, and one more will put me on the couch in my ready room tonight. That's a comfortable couch for sitting, but not sleeping."

"Beans, not root," she corrected. "Also, be trying green tea with ginseng and honey. Is good energy boost."

That was easier to remember, or so Harvey expected it to be. His experience with teas however left him not giving the idea much merit. "I'll give that a shot too."

"If I am finding out anything else, I will be letting you know," Mila said, then stopped. "Oh, and you are to be ashamed of yourself. Joey is guitar player."

Harvey nearly facepalmed. She was a woman of many talents, and while she had played a song or two for him, it was usually during intimate moments. Trying to recover, he explained, "In past experience, I've learned it isn't wise to volunteer a spouse for something like that." Truthfully, he had no idea if Joey had any interest of playing in public, but he certainly wasn't going to put her on the spot.

"Who is volunteering her?" she asked. "You were asking who is playing instruments and I am remembering she does."

"Fair enough." The captain shrugged off the comment. "Just because someone can play doesn't mean we can order them to play. Aside from lifting crew morale, we should add some incentives as well. Replicator rations, extra off-duty shifts, et cetera."

Mila nodded. "Is being good idea, but at moment we are not knowing how long we are being here in Zone, so promises cannot be made for incentives. I shall be seeing who is playing something and talk to them."

The captain nodded, accepting this plan. "Make it so," he confirmed. "I'll talk to the crew later today. That should inspire a few to speak up with their hidden talents as well."

"I could also be having Chow put on parkour demonstration," she offered. "He is being very good at it." She paused for a moment, then looked at him. "I could also sing if you are wishing."

"That would be nice," he affirmed with a nod. "Although, with Chow, you might make sure he can't go flying into someone's dress or uniform." He recalled all too well the capuchin's antics during Joey's birthday party.

Mila laughed. "He is doing much better now," she assured him. "Joey fed him when we are losing our memories and he is being much nicer to her."

"That's a story she hasn't told me," he remarked. "Then again, I'm still a little fuzzy on some of the things that happened that day, so I don't blame her for not being able to share. At least something good came out of that day."

"With everything that has been going on, I am only remembering because I am having eidetic memory," Mila said. "Losing everything is being one thing. Getting everything back was being madness. I am hoping we are not going through same thing on way back home. Is Doctor Kij being prepared for such eventuality? I would be programming EMH to be ready for such."

"She's had a few ideas," Harvey stated, recalling some of the conversations he'd had with the good doctor recently. "When the time comes, we'll be prepared for it."

"Good, for we are not needing to be going through that again," she responded. "I am having replicator on contingency to be dispensing meals for Chow at set times, and will work as long as we are having ship power."

"You might even consider a stash of rations or something for the little guy," he suggested, realizing that they were well into their second lap around the deck. "We only have data on one trip, and much of it is fragmented. There's no guarantee that we'll be able to safeguard the ship again. If anything, we might send a shuttle ahead. We know Lieutenants T'Pai and Alexander were successful in navigating it before. A shuttle or fighter could do it again if needed."

"Is being good idea," Mila agreed about the rations for Chow. "As far as Lieutenant T'Pai, no one is being sure what happened to her. Is it being possible that outside force removed her from the ship when we are going through?"

Anything was possible, but the last thing Harvey could think about right now was those that were no longer with them. Perhaps she'd even been missed in their defense against the Guardians. "No one has any solid theories," Harvey answered. "Best not to think about it for now."

She nodded. "What is being next step when away teams are being back?" she asked.

"We hope they come back with some leads, and then we follow them." Harvey paused for a moment, unsure of really what else to say besides that. "The sooner we find what we're looking for, whatever that is, the sooner we can brave losing our minds again."

"Are you wishing for shot of espresso before you are heading back to bridge?" Mila offered. "Is small amount but is very potent."

Harvey considered the offer for far longer than he should have. "Thanks, but I'll have to pass. Espresso doesn't agree with Joey either, especially hours after the fact."

"Then do not be forgetting about Guarana beans," she said as they approached Administration once more. "Is good, even if it is not being coffee."

"I shall not," he confirmed. "As soon as I get back to the Ready Room. I've got a few more stops to make in the meantime."

"Then I shall be seeing you when I am next delivering reports," Mila said. "If you are needing anything, please be letting me know."

"Watch out for plasma fires," Harvey warned as he started to walk away. "We've had enough surprises for one trip."


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