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Survivor's Guilt

Posted on 21 Jun 2024 @ 1:16pm by Lieutenant T’Mari Rael & Story Teller

704 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shattered Unity
Location: Talon's Lounge
Timeline: June 19, 2390 || 1200 hours

Normally, Talons Lounge was a hotspot aboard the ship, full of life and laughter. Sometimes there was karoke or some sort of shindig underway. Once could hear the reverie through the door and down the corridor.

But not today.

If there was a record to be set for dark and dreary, Talons would have achieved it. There was not an available seat in the room. To make matters worse, out of the several dozen occupants, only two or three were part of the ship's crew. The different uniforms visible throughout made that abundantly clear. Those from the California-class Irvine and Oakland bore the most colorful uniforms on the ship, even though the individuals wearing them were anything but. The starbase crew wore the oldest garments, the ones with the gray shoulder tops and colored undershirts, same for the Holtrame survivors.

Grief and guilt were what all had in common, however. Everyone had lost someone in the sudden destruction. And with nothing they could do or help with because resources were so limited, Talons was the perfect place to hide and mope.

T’Mari had felt the emotion pouring out of Talons from a deck away, she couldn’t blame people for feeling the way they did, it was her job to try and help them in whatever way she could. She firmed up her mental defences to stop herself from being overwhelmed, before she walked in the doors and looked around.

Not many faces in the room glanced up to see the new arrival. The bartender, a slender Risan, was one of them. She was currently wiping down a section of the bar and did not bother to finish her task before moving to greet the hybrid at the entrance. "Normally depression is good for business, but only in small doses."

T’Mari nodded. “I can imagine it’s putting off your regulars” She looked around. “This situation has been hard on everyone involved, there’s only so much I can do alone.”

"I don't suppose that the odds are good enough that any other counselors survived these attacks?" asked the Risan. "Not that they wouldn't be feeling these things themselves."

“I haven’t come across any yet, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t any” T’Mari offered a smile. “I can only imagine what everyone went through, losing so many is horrific.”

The Risan chuckled, knowing the Counselor hadn't been around this particular crew for very long. "Yeah, we see a lot of horrible things out here. And sadly, just when we've seen it all, we get reminded that we really haven't."

T’Mari nodded. “I guess I’ve yet to see a lot of things this crew have seen, for now though it’s my job to try and help these people.”

"I don't envy you, Counselor," said the Risan, after emitting a low whistle. "But if there's anything we here at Talons can do to help, just let us know."

“I think you’re all doing a marvellous job” T’Mari offered a smile. “Do you have any ideas how we could cheer people up on a large scale? I was thinking a memorial wall might help people to mourn their losses, maybe a gathering to allow people to share their memories and good times.”

The Risian nodded. "A memorial wall's a good idea. I know the ship's got a memorial of its own dedicated to the first Black Hawk, but I don't see why we can't use the corridor just outside. We can lock the doors open for a few days let everyone come through, add their pictures, and use this space what it's always meant to be for... connection."

T’Mari nodded. “That will be wonderful. I’ll see about replicating pictures of those lost from their personnel files, and people can add images of their own as well.”

Smiling, the bartender added, "I can offer up Talons' replicator for pictures and such. Easier access to everyone involved and the like."

“That’s wonderful, thank you” T’Mari smiled the biggest smile yet.

"Of course," the Risian replied. "Anything we here at Talons can do, we're happy to help."


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