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Captain's Log: Leaving Unity

Posted on 22 Aug 2024 @ 3:27am by Commodore (Brevet) Harvey Geisler

239 words; about a 1 minute read

Mission: Shattered Unity
Location: USS Black Hawk
Timeline: June 19, 2390 || 1930 hours

Captain's Log: Stardate 67465.1.

At this time yesterday, there were 2,640 souls assigned to Starbase Unity and its attached starships. The USS Perseus, USS Valcour, and the USS Black Hawk collectively recovered 843 healthy and wounded personnel, along with the bodies of 467 others. Our sister ship, the USS Gaittithe, has 198 survivors of its original 403 crew compliment.

This crew and I have seen incredible wonders. The Golden Stars. The Consortium. The Dolmoqour. And just when I thought we couldn't see anything worse... well, the great bird is just full of surprises. To say morale is low is a gross understatement. I personally have not seen such a fog in the eyes of any crew since the Dominion War.

I don't know how to bounce back from this. There are no answers, and every time we look a little deeper, we find two more questions. It is as if we are fighting a hydra, but it grows more heads without us slicing off one.

As of now, recovery efforts at Starbase Unity have come to an end. Just a couple of minutes ago, we set course for Gavara where we will meet the rest of Belvedere. It is time to brief our brethren on what has happened out here and to formulate a defense strategy. Of our all questions, only one thing is certain.

The attacks won't stop.

That's why we have to be ready for whatever comes next.

Computer, end recording.


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