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Brain Picking

Posted on 25 Sep 2024 @ 1:18am by Lieutenant Commander Camila Di Pasquale & Cadet Freshman Grade Eden Corwin

1,452 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: History
Location: Chief of Security Office

Eden shut down her terminal after turning in what felt like her hundredth assignment of the day. She knew she was exaggerating, but no one said attending the academy would be easy. Still, she needed to get away from it for a while, and found herself wondering if Commander di Pasquale would be willing to teach her more hands on.

There was only one way to find out.

"Computer. What is the location of Lieutenant Commander Camila di Pasquale?"

"Lieutenant Commander Di Pasquale is currently in Security," the computer intoned.

"Let's do this," the young woman said as she pushed herself to her feet and straightened her uniform jacket. It wasn't as cool as the ones officers and enlisted wore, but she would have one of her own soon enough.

Eden made her way out into the corridor and to the nearest turbolift, before eventually making her way to security on deck twelve. She'd been there a time or two, but the most memorable was when she made a wrong turn and landed in the brig. The Security Chief had been pretty understanding, and the young woman appreciated that.

Once inside, and rather than wander through the complex on her own, Eden approached a young woman with slight Asian features. "Excuse me? I'm looking for the Chief."

Shay turned her attention to Eden and smiled. "Just a moment, and I will see if she's available," she said, then tapped her combadge. "Mitchell to di Pasquale. Are you free? You have a visitor."

Camila's voice came over the combadge a moment later. "Send them in."

"I'll take you through," Shay said as she began to walk further into the complex. "Follow me."

Eden followed behind her, taking everything in as they walked through. She didn't see anything important, but it was still incredibly impressive. "Thank you."

The Ensign smiled as she came to the door leading into Camila's office. "You're welcome. Here you go," Shay said as she tapped the chime before heading off to get back to work.

"Enter," Camila called while at her replicator in her once again tiny office. She turned with a steaming mug of Raktajino in her hand, her left hip bumping her desk and sending a Betazoid flower tumbling to the floor. She sighed and sat her coffee on the desk, then bent over to scoop up the soil and unfortunate plant.

Eden walked through the door and stopped short when she was greeted by the Security Chief's backside. This certainly was a first for her, and not exactly something she'd been expecting. The young cleared her throat. "Commander di Pasquale? If you're busy, I can schedule an appointment and come back."

Camila turned, and saw the blonde cadet and it took her a moment to place her as she stood up with the half broken plant in her hands along with some soil. "Not at all. I was merely about to demonstrate how to defend yourself against a plant."

Eden looked like she was fighting back a chuckle and had to clear her throat before she spoke. "And, what would be the proper way to defend oneself against a plant?"

"Knock it off the desk in a too small office," Camila said with a rueful laugh. "Have a seat, Cadet. How can I help you?"

"Then, I will keep that in mind for the future," the young woman said with a smile. "I'm currently in my freshman year at the academy. Security, if you can believe it. Anyway, I was wondering if you might be willing to train me? I know some things would be off limits."

"A lot of things would be off limits, Cadet Corwin," Camila said. "It depends on what you want trained in."

Eden looked thoughtful. She didn't know what Camila would be able to train her in that wouldn't get her into some kind of trouble. "I'm not sure," she admitted. "Phaser training, and maybe some other things, but it might have to wait."

"How about some holographic training?" Camila offered. "I can run you through a few scenarios and let you get a feel for how we run things in Security."

The young woman smiled. "That would actually work out really well. You and Joey are pretty great in your fields. I know I could learn a lot from you both."

"Would you prefer to work alone or with others?" Camila asked as she picked up a PADD and began to scroll through scenarios.

"I think both would be ideal given I'm undoubtedly going to encounter both situations in the future."

"Very smart," the ombre haired woman said. "Would you like something to drink while I go over a few with you?"

Eden smiled. "Water, please."

Camila turned and requested a chilled water before it materialized. She took it off the pad, then turned and offered it to the young woman before she took her seat again. "What is your ultimate goal in taking Security?" she asked.

"My ultimate goal as a security officer is to ensure the safety and protection of the people and property under my watch. I am dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of professionalism and integrity, and I continuously seek to improve my skills and knowledge. In the long term, I hope to advance into a leadership role where I can mentor others and help develop more effective security strategies.”

The Security Chief could almost hear the marching song of the Academy ringing from the Cadet's mouth and a faint smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "Save lives. Save the ship. Those are the most important things."

"That's certainly the plan," the young woman stated with a smile. "Would you be willing to help me out?"

"Of course," Camila said. "I have a few programs that I like to put fresh recruits through that I think will be fine for you."

Eden couldn't help but sit up a little straighter as her smile brightened. "Thank you, Commander. Let me know when you have time to start, and will adjust my schedule."

"Just remember that emergencies care nothing about schedules, but in this case, I'll make an allowance," Camila said.

"You're not wrong," the young woman said as she looked thoughtful. "Perhaps we could go with that, but it would definitely need to fall somewhere outside my classes. I can't shirk those by any means."

"We'll do it when you aren't in class," Camila said, or having babysitting duties."

Eden took a sip of her water and nodded. "That's a good idea, too, but Harvey and Joey have a holo-nanny now. I'm just not sure if it's capable of taking them to the designated places on the ship for civilians or not."

"It isn't," Camila assured her. "What level would you like to start at? I have training scenarios for cadets, Ensigns and Veterans."

"I think starting at the cadet level is likely where I should start. I certainly don't want to be in over my head right off the bat."

"You're on the Black Hawk, Cadet Corwin," Camila said. "You're already in over your head, but I'm going to show you how to swim."

The Security Chief wasn't wrong. Eden had heard some, and even seen, some crazy things during her time aboard the ship. "You aren't wrong, but starting a bit on the lighter side may not necessarily be a bad thing. Of course, I will do whatever you think is best."

The ombre haired woman smiled. "I'll only give you what you can handle, Cadet," she said. "Don't forget to study up on our past missions and ask your cousin if there's something you aren't cleared for yet."

"Then, it sounds like we're both on the same page for the time being," the young blonde haired woman said. "In the meantime, I should probably let you get back to work and defending yourself against your plant."

Camila laughed. "Say nothing about that and we'll get along just fine, Cadet," she said with a smile.

Eden laughed and made a locking motion against her lips. "My lips are sealed."

"Send me your class schedule and I"ll work around it," Camila said. "I look forward to seeing how you do."

"I will do that just as soon as I head back to my quarters. I'm going back to change my clothes, then go grab Alison and Jameson for some fun."

"Very well," Camila said. "Enjoy and give Harvey and Joey my regards and the twins a kiss for me."

Eden smiled as she finished her water and set the glass down. "I certainly will. Talk soon, Commander, and thank you." With that, the young woman was on her way again.


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