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Searching for Clues

Posted on 16 Jan 2025 @ 10:12pm by Lieutenant JG Sunni Wallace & Ensign Ronin Tetnel & Story Teller

1,347 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Bait and Switch
Location: Mellon Town Square
Timeline: July 2, 2390 || 1215 hours

After Camila and Foy had headed off towards the mines or wherever they were going, Ronin looked at Sunni. "So, where do you feel like exploring before dinner?" he asked her.

Sunni took a look around. "Maybe just start exploring and talking to the colonists? See if they might be able to offer anything that can be used later."

"You're right," Ronin said. "Let's go." He headed off towards the settlement after locking the Flotsam down and took a breath of fresh air. "I wish we could bottle this stuff."

"So do I, but sadly, that's not a possibility. What is, though, is both of us enjoying every second we get to be in it," the young woman said as they walked toward their first destination. Sunni was a bit awkward when it came to making small talk, but if they were going to get answers, it was necessary to be a bit more comfortable and at ease.

"Not to mention capturing every clue we can," he half muttered under his breath. "I've been scanning everything, but I won't be able to know until we get back to the ship and upload it."

"And there's no telling how long it might be before we get a window to do that," Sunni said. "We're going to have to rely on what kind of information we can dig up the old fashioned way."

"We're only here until tomorrow, so we don't have that much time," Ronin said as they walked. "It's a shame what happened to colonists out here."

As they walked through what was intended to be the town square, it was clear the colony was quite young. In fact, many of the buildings featured the familiar color of deuterium that normally characterized Starfleet hull plating. Several buildings were designated for administrative use, and others were reserved for dining of shopping. If there was a replicator, it was no where to be seen. The somewhat harsh conditions were not a deterrent as children played in the square while parents and other adults moved about. Most of the population was human, though there were Teplans, Karemma, and Wadi strutting about.

"I know I shouldn't sympathize with them, but in a way, I do," she said, her eyes drifting toward the playing children. "They're only doing what they can to survive out here. Can we really fault them for that?"

Ronin looked over where Sunni indicated and gave a shake of his head. "I can't, but we can't do much about it with ships and bases getting destroyed at will." He kept his voice low and motioned towards a open bar. "Let's head there."

"That seems as good a place as any," the young woman said as she altered her course towards the bar. "Is it just me, or does it seem like we seem to end up with more questions than answers lately?"

"Everyone has been saying that," Ronin said as he stepped up to the bar. "Two ales," he ordered for both of them.

The human barkeep looked at both of the new arrivals before stepping away to draw two fresh ales from the tap. "That'll be two slips," she informed the unknown patrons. "We don't run tabs for outsiders here."

"Two slips for local ale on top of being insulted seems a bit high," Ronin said as he dug into his case and pulled out a ratty small black case and flipped it open. He kept it close to his chest as he reached into it, then pulled out two battered slips and handed it to the man. "We're looking for jobs so we can get out of here."

The barkeep scoffed as she wiped with counter with a rag. "You and half the quadrant. As for the insult, don't take it personal. The last time we saw non-natives around here, we lost our home. Still stings a bit."

"I can sympathize. I suppose you can say I'm homeless," Sunni said. "I bounced from place to place looking for jobs that might offer me a place to stay for a while until it was time to move on to the next. It wasn't until I met my companions that things only became slightly more stable."

"Sorry about that," Ronin said as he accepted the ale. "I ain't got a home, either. I've been sleeping in a freight carrier for days and it looks like that's going to continue indefinitely."

The bartender chuckled. "Thank you for that. It'd been a while since I've met someone that's had it worse off than me. Though, I imagine more like you will be coming through once our mining efforts pay off."

"Oh? What efforts would those be?" Sunni found herself asking as she wrapped her hand around her ale. "Must be pretty major if you think it will draw more people to come."

A damp mat hit the bar and the woman behind it began to wipe away a damp spot. "It's not every day you find something rare in the Gamma Quadrant. Our surveys show that this planet is pretty rich with birythium. Our rights are secure, so we'll be able to elevate our stature once the profits start coming in."

"Enough for a full time crew to sign on long term?" Ronin asked.

"And maybe even expand one's shipping empire," confirmed the bartender. "Many of us experienced luxury or greatness before. And we look forward to enjoying it once more."

"Sounds like we're at the right place and right time," Ronin said as he took a drink of his ale.

"Who might we speak to if we're looking for something that might become permanent?" Sunni asked.

The barkeep placed her towel back behind the counter in its tray before putting both hands on the counter to support her leaning. "The Carters handle all of that. The rest of us either work our shops, down in the minds, or help out with logistics. We all have our skills and place."

"How do we get in touch with them?" Ronin asked, having already met them.

"Either at the mines," the barkeep answered, "their homestead, or the docks. Richard usually likes to greet everyone, so if he wasn't at the docks when you arrived, he must be busy with something."

"We met them when we first arrived, but didn't have a lot of time to talk. We'll get our opportunity to speak to them about jobs soon enough, I'm sure," Sunni said before she took a drink of her ale. "Can you tell us what places or people might be off limits? I don't want to end up somewhere that might land me in some kind of trouble."

"Visitors should stay at the town square or docks," replied the barkeep simply. "The residential areas are off-limits unless you have a personal invitation. If the hotel was ready, I'd say you could stay there too. But that'll be a few months."

Ronin looked at Sunni. "Which means we get to sleep in tight quarters a while longer. We should get back and see the Carters for dinner." He nodded at the barkeep. "We appreciate it."

"Yes, thank you," Sunni said. "Perhaps, we will see you around."

The barkeep chuckled. "More than likely. I'm running the only bar in town, and I'm not going anywhere. You keep hauling cargo, I bet we'll see a lot more of each other. Bonus points if you can score me something that's not tulaberry wine."

"I will see what we can do about that," the young woman said just before she finished off her ale.

"My name is Aristotle, by the way," Ronin said. "I'll see what I can get for you."

"Arendelle," the woman behind the bar smiled, having finally introduced herself. "No empty promises please."

"I'm Ainsley, and sadly, we can't make any promises, but will try our best," Sunni said with a smile as she rose to her feet. "We'll see you around, and hopefully with something more than tullaberry wine." And with that, she waited for Ronin, then made her way out.


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