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I can do this Job Standing on My Head

Posted on 13 Mar 2016 @ 4:32am by Lieutenant JG Catherine Cooper

449 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Outbreak

Lt. Catherine "CJ" Cooper's office was a study in controlled chaos. There were random photos of family and some friend outings she'd admit to in public along with the usual smattering of office debris. There was also a short sword on the wall, random desk puzzles, paintings of beautiful nature scenes, bits of climbing gear, glass juggling balls, a desk zen garden. Wherever one looked there was something interesting. And pride of place in one corner was a small treadmill since the moderate sized room wouldn't allow for proper movement as Cooper sometimes needed and CJ was the kind of person who had to move. The desk, small bookshelf, and chairs took up the most of the rest of the space. A floor harp was in a corner, not used but the promise that one day she'd learn to play it.

Currently CJ was using none of these. She was upside down against one wall with her head on a pillow as she tapped things into a PADD. Activating her Chief's instructions for the department.


1. Any use of high risk systems immediately gets reported to Camila
unless the person is of Commander rank or higher. In the event that such
usage by a Commander or higher rank will result in a shipwide Security
alert to be determined by the danger the crew and ship would undergo.

CJ Mental Summary: Anyone tries to foodle with things gets a herd of kill joys to the face. If its brass will notify Security Chief and Deputy Chief. NONE SHALL PASS!

2. Any unauthorized use of high risk systems will result in an immediate
force field erected in that area.

CJ Mental Summary: Suckers.....

3. Any attempt at bypassing systems to
weapon lockers or armory will result in an immediate transport to the

CJ Mental Summary: Karma *laughs evilly*

4. Any attempt by an officer to circumvent restrictions will
result in an alert being sent to Camila and the XO/CO.

CJ Mental Summary: Shame on you...

5. Any use of phasers on the ship without a boarding by enemy combatants will result
in them being transported immediately to the Brig.

CJ Mental Summary: Karma take 2, I need popcorn....

She reviewed the changes and implemented them all while literally standing on her head. It had taken awhile because she had to review the coding and computer instructions this would require. Then run it by a trusted engineer to make sure she wasn't going to explode the ship. Once that was done it was a matter of a final coding check then activating the coding sub routine in the systems. It would remain dormant until such time as the proper set of actions triggered them.


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