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The New Master

Posted on 16 Apr 2016 @ 11:40pm by Captain Harvey Geisler

873 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Outbreak
Location: USS Black Hawk - Bridge
Timeline: MD 6 || 1030 hours

Christian stepped off the transporter pad onto the Black Hawk. This was his first time aboard an Akira class starship. He nodded to the transporter chief and headed to the turbolift. "Bridge" he said as the lift took off.

When it stopped and the doors opened; he stepped onto the Bridge. He surmised where the Captain's Ready Room would be and based on the fact the captain wasn't in his chair, the ready room would be the best choice. He walked to the Ready Room door and pressed the button to gain entrance.

Harvey had just replicated a cup of tea, a rare break from the mug of coffee he so often enjoyed, when he'd heard the chime sound. He stopped being surprised by its interrupting announcementsime ago as the life of a captain could rarely be scheduled.

"Come," Harvey said, turning his back to the door as he walked back towards his desk, all the while lifting the cup for a sip of the chamomile.

Christian heard the Captain acknowledge his chime. The doors swooshed open and he stepped inside. "Captain Geisler, sir. Lt (jg) Christian Alexander, reporting in from New Risa" he said, handing the PADD to Geisler

Harvey turned behind his desk just in time to see the slightly taller, red-haired man hand him a PADD. As one hand set the cup on the desk, the other reached out to accept the device. "Our new Master-at-Arms," the Captain remembered, taking a look at the orders.

"That's correct, Sir. I'm here for quarters assignment. Then the standard physical exam and psych eval before being declared 'duty station ready' " he said.

The Captain nodded, setting the PADD down on the desk and retrieving his tea. The lieutenant certainly seemed eager, Harvey noted. Of course, Harvey didn't handle assignment of quarters. Generally that was for the Ops department and a yeoman to handle. "Normally, I prefer that process to be quick," he confessed. "However our crew is being rotated through some R and R at the moment. I trust you understand."

Christian nodded his head. "Oh i do understand Captain. I figured i could use the shoreleave time to get everything taken care of with minimal disruptions to you and the crew" he said.

"Fair enough," he replied. "Tell me a little about yourself, lieutenant." Harvey had a chance earlier to skim the younger man's file, but as he'd just come off leave of his own, he hadn't yet the opportunity to read it in detail.

Christian sat across from Geisler. "What would you like to know, Captain? I have no secrets. Nothing to hide certainly" he said, giving the captain a straight look.

Harvey was about to take his seat, but the very utterance of the word 'secrets' forced a look of concern on his face. "A man who instantly claims to have no secrets may very well be hiding something," he stated. Before the lieutenant had a chance, Harvey waved a hand to dismiss the thought. "You are the man I'm about to entrust to Lieutenant Di Pasquale, and trust me, her bad side is one of the worst places to be on board this ship. She, in turn, will be trusting you with the armory and training personnel in her department. I, therefore, would like to know a little bit about you, Lieutenant. Something I can't or can read in your file."

Christian thought briefly before answering. "I joined Starfleet against my mother's wishes. When she was on her death bed; she refused to show up at my graduation and our last words to each other were in anger. I strive to succeed in the hope that she will see me and forgive me" he said

"It's a noble cause," Harvey replied, thinking of his own parents. They had cared for him enough to make sure he stayed out of trouble, but it had been several years since he last spoke to them. Harvey took his seat behind the desk and sat upright. "Starfleet in the Gamma Qudarant could use a little nobility in the middle of this crisis."

Christian cracked a little smile. "Would you say that I am noble; Captain? Or my behavior is noble?" he asked. He'd never been noble. "I will put the same passion and spirit into my job"

Harvey grunted, leaning back into his chair. "Your behavior," he replied. "Only time will tell if you yourself are noble. With the way this quadrant is behaving, we need some trustworthiness on board this ship. It is my hope you can help us restore that trust."

"I'll endeavor to bring some measure of trustworthiness back to this ship and those who serve in it, Sir" Christian said

"See that you do," Harvey said with a nod. "And I hope that you enjoy your service here aboard the Black Hawk."

"Captain. I thank you for being blunt and honest with me. I appreciate and respect that. May I ask that you always remain that way" Christian said with a salute.

Harvey stood and returned the salute, only to keep the young man from eternally standing at attention. A heartbeat later, he lowered his hand. "Welcome aboard, lieutenant."

"Thank you again; Captain" Christian said; standing at ease.



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