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Strange Characters

Posted on 15 Jun 2016 @ 8:51pm by Lieutenant Commander Temerant Bast

526 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Risky Business
Location: Chief of Ops office
Timeline: MD 1 || 1300 Hours

Ensign Tanu-shree Kynes had her reasons for doing everything she did. Most people would say that she acted on whims and fancies, but they were wrong. She knew exactly where she wanted to end up and she knew exactly how to get there. True, her transfer to Ops from sciences seemed random and without purpose, but she knew it was the next step in her path to become leader of her Tallis back on her home planet of Frema.

Joining Starfleet had been another seemingly aimless and random decision. It would all tie together in the end, she had no doubt.

So now, all that remained was to report in to her new boss. Finding his door closed, she pressed her thumb to the chime as she watched two cadets pass, her blue-in-blue eyes passive.

"Come in," called out Bast.

The doors opened, to reveal the striking Ensign Kynes. Bast was taken by surprise at the woman's eyes, but he tried to hide it as best he could.

"Ensign Tanu-shree Kynes, reporting for duty," she said in her lightly accented voice, handing him the PaDD that contained her transfer orders. She then simply stood there and waited further instruction, her face passive, yet somehow also friendly and dangerous in one.

"Welcome aboard, Ensign," replied Bast. "Please, have a seat," he said, pointing to the empty chair across the desk.

Tanu-shree sat in the indicated chair primly, expression not changing. She gazed expectantly at him, waiting for further instructions.

"Tell me more about yourself, Ensign. This personnel file looks rather incomplete. There is no direct road to Operations. Is your background scientific, or Engineering-based?"

"Sciences," answered Kynes. "I was an ecologist. But, I heard you could use some help in Ops, so I requested a transfer."

"Well, we're certainly short-staffed, so you're more than welcome," said Bast. He picked up a stack of data padds, and flipped through them. "Let's see. What can we start you off with, that might be related to your background... Science Officer Bergman requested access to the virology database, but it seems the monitor at her station can't handle the resolution required to view all of the data. Think you can handle that?"

She nodded once. "Of course, sir," she replied simply. She was a woman of few words; why use ten words when three would do? She kept her steady- and possibly unnerving- gaze focused on Bast, awaiting further instructions.

"All the instructions are on the padd," Bast pointed out.

She nodded and accepted the PaDD from him. "Are there any more instructions?" she asked, her passive gaze still steady.

"Yes," said Bast. He looked at the task list he had assembled on his padd, and everything that needed to be set up for Kij's experiments on Thalaron radiation. There was much to do. "This needs to be completed in less than an hour. I'll have other, more important assignments for you once you're done. Dismissed."

Kynes only nodded in response and headed off to do her new job, offering no comment. There was no need for more talk. She had her orders and she was capable of carrying them out.


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