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Tour du Black Hawk

Posted on 05 May 2017 @ 2:32am by Lieutenant David Moreau Jr

1,511 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: The Finnean Crisis
Location: Security Locations
Timeline: MD 1 || 1600 Hours

Lieutenant David Moreau walked into the Security Complex of the USS Black Hawk-A and looked around. He had served on a number of ships and bases, but this Century-class ship looked like a thoroughbred. She was sleek, modern and packed full of top-of-the-line technology and he planned to explore every part of her. His first order of business was going into his new office, which he was surprised at how small it was and sat down in the chair behind the desk, which he had to squeeze behind.

"I really had to rearrange this," David muttered as he activated the terminal. "Computer, recognize Lieutenant David Moreau, Delta Nine-Four-Actual-Tango, Chief of Security."

"Lieutenant David Moreaux Junior recognized as Chief of Security," the neutral computer voice responded and the symbol of the Federation faded from the terminal and gave him full access to the Security system. He cracked his fingers and pulled up the layout of Security and began to familiarize himself with the layout room by room. He wanted to know where everything was before he began his actual tour as it wouldn't look good for a new Chief to be asking his own personnel where something was. With fourteen officers and eighty-six enlisted in the department, he knew how fast rumors could travel and he planned to make a positive impression.

Ten minutes later, he locked the terminal down and got up from the desk with a PADD in hand and once more squeezed out from behind it with another mutter of imprecation of the tight fit. He exited into the main complex where Security personnel monitored and controlled access to certain areas or systems aboard the ship, observed passengers and persons-of-interest, and served as a base of operations for the Security department.

David did a slow walk through of the central room, taking notes as he checked on what each person was doing and getting a report in crisp tones. He had read up on the former Chief of Security and knew that the young Lieutenant had departed the ship after the battle of Deep Space Eleven, but not on what terms. It seemed that her former personnel were well trained, but seemed to have a slight resentment towards the new Chief, but he knew it was like this for every ship and base. The new person in charge always had to break their people in to their own style and few people liked change.

He checked the safeguards that were in place for the and lock the main and backup cores in the event of a security breach as well as all power and utility trunking were secured against tampering. Once he was satisfied that all was in order, he went to check out the other three offices, one of which was empty - that of his Assistant Chief, and two that were used for processing and other Security needs.

David left the main complex and headed to check out the Brig which could hold sixteen individuals and the Isolation cell which was designed for troublesome or high-profile prisoners. He had read about Major Jackson, the Consortium Marine who had escaped from the previous incarnation of the Black Hawk and made a vow that it wouldn't happen on his ship. He made a note to research the personnel who had been involved when the man had escaped and caused so much havoc and see what additional training they required.

From there, he went into the Interrogation room which featured a circular raised riser with a single chair were the accused would be questioned. There were two semi-circular desks placed at the base of the riser where Interrogators would sit, while the accused's adivsors/counselors would sit at the other. Behind the desks, several rows of chairs could be arranged for observers if a hearing was open to the public. Several viewscreens ringed the walls to allow evidence to be displayed for all to see. He made another note on the PADD to have force field emitters installed between the accused and the Interrogators, counselors and advisers. He had been present at an interrogation before where the accused had tried to take hostages or escape and it wasn't going to happen again.

Once he was satisfied, David headed to the two briefing rooms which could contain up to fifty individuals with terminals and seating reserved for twenty persons. He made another note on the PADD to check the interface for the main terminal display to see if it was linked to the one in the other briefing room. He could only be physically present in one room at a time, but had no desire to repeat himself by having to go into a second room to brief the other fifty members of Security.

It was a short trip to the two small holosuites which were reserved for Security training purposes and saw that the primary holodecks could be used if he required a larger compliment of personnel to be trained at the same time. He wanted everyone to be able to work together as a cohesive unit and that was only possible in the larger holodecks.

After a brief check on the locker rooms, he went to the phaser range and went over the double-thick walls and bulkheads with a tricorder and double-checked the energy-dampening force fields which were in place for safety reasons. He didn't need a report of an eager Ensign who wanted to see what a setting of sixteen would do to a wall and have personnel on the other side be injured or killed by it.

The big one on his list was the main and secondary armory, the first one being the primary storage and distribution area of weapons. He took note of the Master-at-Arms and the small team of Security personnel who guarded the armory and asked a few routine questions of them regarding the protocols which were in place and added a few more notes to his PADD. He checked each of the Type I, II and III phasers, the Isomagnetic Disentegrators and the phaser cells, the maintenance packs, grenades and the protocols for the cleaning and discharge of all weapons.

Pleased with how everything was, the big bald chief headed to the replicators which could replicate anything from Security harnesses and utility belts, which he found unique to energy cells and grenades. He also checked the attached maintenance bay which was used for cleaning and service of weapons.

With more notes on his PADD, David asked the computer for the location of the weapon lockers to be displayed on his PADD, David headed to the Secondary Armory on deck four to go over the phasers and energy cells stored there, once again asking questions of the Master-at-Arms about the protocols and took inventory of the energy cells, maintenance packs and made sure that everything was in place for the proper cleaning of the weapons.

It was a long trek through the ship as he went to check each weapons locker to verify that each held four Type II phaser pistols and four Type III phaser rifles and the accompanying energy cells, noting that each deck except one, two, twenty-three and twenty-four only held two lockers each instead of the four lockers on all the other decks.

While David checked the weapons lockers, he stopped at each Security station which were manned by a single Security Officer that allowed Security to monitor certain areas, control access, or provide faster response times. They also made Security readily available to the crew and passengers. He headed to the high risk areas, being the Computer Core, Antimatter Storage, weapons bays, and the Intelligence Center to go over the protocols with the Security officers there and took a few more notes. He stopped at high-traffic areas and the airlocks to check with the officers in place there, then finally headed back to his office.

It had been a long walk through the ship and he paused to get a iced coffee from the replicator before squeezing behind his desk again and pulled up the personnel files. With ninety-nine personnel to go through, it was an hour and a half before the big man finally sat back and rubbed his eyes. He was going to have to call a meeting next and with officers on three shifts, he decided to handle the ones of Beta shift first, then go to Gamma shift, Delta shift and then back to Alpha shift. He didn't want any Security personnel to be away from their assigned areas just because he wanted a meet and greet with them, so he sent out memos to each shift for a day and time that he would meet them which wouldn't clash with their normal duties.

He finally added the last notes to his PADD and linked it to the computer. "Computer, save Moreau Inspection File Zero-Zero-One and lock out. Authorization Delta Nine-Four-Actual-Tango."

When the computer acknowledged, the big Chief leaned back and smiled. It was going to be a good tour.


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