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A Time of Celebration!

Posted on 22 Dec 2023 @ 4:18pm by Commodore (Brevet) Harvey Geisler

To all crew members,

Happy Holidays from the USS Black Hawk! We wish you the very best during this holiday season, as well the remainder of 2023. From the bottom of my felted heart, I thank you for joining us to play on the finest sim set in the Gamma Quadrant.

I also have a special announcement for you regarding the state of the Black Hawk. Just a few days ago, the Black Hawk turned 10 years old!

This is a momentous occasion, one that I genuinely thought would never come. For that, I want to offer a few shoutouts to players present and absent...

Thank you to Teix and Jayla. You both were with me on the original Black Hawk, and your mark on this sim transcends space and time. Thank you for your encouragement, and your willingness to reboot and restart when I brought one of the old favorites back to life.

Thank you, Teix, for also continuing to stick it through thick and thin. With you, I have written some of my favorite posts and created an incredible history. The memories that you and I have over the last 20 years are some that I will cherish forever. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Thank you to Camila, Joey, and Walsh. You may have arrived one by one, but your impact on this game is what helped it survive past the first season. Your characters, writing, and ideas continue to prove that the opportunities for this game are limitless and can truly stand the test of time. I always look forward to writing with each of you, whether alone, or as a group.

Thank you to Starduster for being the first real applicant back in 2013. You've continued to come along this sim time and time again because you believe in both it and me, not to mention the writing opportunities that have spun out of that. Thanks to you, I got to write one of the favorite versions of one of my characters.

Thank you to Lori! You are a fantastic writer. We've been through a lot together, and I'm glad you're still with us.

Thank you to Kris, T'Mari and Stephen for your continued patronage. Your characters and writing are top notch!

To Bast, thank you for the beautiful fire you fanned during our second season. I wish we could have written more together, and your contributions still ripple in our pond today. Thank you.

To Adan... My friend, I hope that you are well. It has been years since we heard from you, and while we suspect the worst, we still keep a light on for you. Carry on the good fight.

A very special thank you to Aio. Aside from being our gracious host, who has helped keep this sim afloat in my darkest hour, you and your friendship in Task Force 9 and beyond has sustained me in multiple ways. Your groundbreaking Gamma Quadrant arc gave this sim a spark of creativity that ignited a bonfire.

To all players who have left us, thank you for your part in this sim's gorgeous tapestry.

And finally, thanks to the lovers, the dreamers, and you! It's because of each of you that we are able to do fantastic things. Thank you all for the beautiful memories, and here's to 10 more years!

~Captain Geisler


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