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You Can't Go

Posted on 09 Jan 2020 @ 9:32pm by Lieutenant Zayna Ryler

1,132 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Epilogue
Location: Earth - Home of Zayna Ryler & Oren Alvar
Timeline: 24th April 2389 - 1930 Hours

Possible Triggers: Extreme Physical Abuse. Do not read if this will cause problems.
This was written on a previous sim so that sim is listed in the post.

Zayna had been having an amazing day. She was anxious to get home, hoping to celebrate before doing a bit of packing to head out. She'd been told she got the science chief position on the Kumari and would need to leave the next afternoon. She'd been waiting, so she knew it would be a quick pack and leave.

But she wanted to celebrate with her fiancé, Lieutenant Commander Oren Alvar. They'd been engaged for some time, and wanted to wait until things were more stable and they could both stay in the same posting long term before making it official. He'd encouraged her to apply for the position, as it seemed to be something that would test her skills.

As the sun set, Zayna had managed to get home and heard Oren around somewhere. "Oren, where are you at," she called out, but then heard the door lock behind her. Between a scientist and tactical/security officer, they had everything setup so they could lock the doors and windows from anywhere in the house.

The fact that they were locked, and she hadn't done it, confused her. "Oren?" He came out of the bedroom, looking extremely angry, face redder than his red hair. "Think I'm supposed to be happy about this? After everything I've done for you, you're just going to up and leave?"

"What the hell are you talking about?" She tossed the PADD onto the kitchen counter that she was standing next to and pulled her hair out of her hair tie. So much for celebrating she thought to herself as she walked towards him. "We talked about this, you told me to apply, to test my skills. Even last night we were..."

Within a moment, Oren was right there in front of her. Another moment later, Zayna felt his hand slam across her face. She stumbled back and had to catch herself from falling. Or, she would have, had he not grabbed hold of her collar, pulling her close. She could tell he'd been drinking, heavily. "No!" He yelled at her before throwing her to the ground.

Landing hard, she groaned but didn't have a chance to stand up before he was standing over her. She felt his foot hit her in the ribs and then in the stomach. Curling up, Zayna tried to crawl away.

But Oren wasn't having any of it. He grabbed her on her left shoulder and side of the neck and pulled her up, squeezing tightly. "You're not going anywhere. I'm tired of you thinking it is all about you! You are mine, no one else's." He lifted her higher so her feet couldn't touch the ground and threw her against the couch, where she was glad it was a soft surface.

"Computer, close blinds," he stated, the room darkening. The sun had already set by now, and the only lights now were the ones of the consoles they had setup. "Oren, what the hell is going on," she asked as she rubbed at where he'd gripped. She couldn't tell if anything was broken or not, but all she felt was pain.

"Are you deaf?! You are staying here, not going anywhere. I've locked you out of the systems, you can't get out." He was back over her again, but she could only cower so far into the chair. She'd never seen him even remotely violent in the past, even though he was a tactical/security officer. She felt another hit to her ribs and could swear she heard something crack.

Zayna tried to push him away with her feet, but his hands went around her throat. He didn't squeeze, but it was enough to make her stop. "Stop, or I'll do worse," he said before backing away. He went for an open bottle of..whatever it was he was drinking..and swallowed a few mouthfuls before throwing the bottle across the room.

"Dinner, cook it, NOW!" He stared at her, and although she could barely move, she didn't want to be hit again and got to the kitchen as fast as she could. Not knowing what he wanted, and afraid to ask, she pulled out a few ingredients that could be used as side dishes. "Better make the chicken with those."

She stayed silent while cooking the chicken on the stove, as well as the veggies she'd managed to get out. He had his eyes on her the whole time, coming closer when he thought she wasn't doing what he asked. He kept gripping on the side that she knew was already bruised. She did her best not to jump, but whenever she did, he'd just squeeze more.

Dinner was also silent, and nothing was left for her to eat. Oren hadn't been joking, he had locked her out of everything and she couldn't even get her combadge to contact anyone. She only could see one way out, as he was taller and stronger than she was by a long way.

Her way out: get him drinking to the point he passed out. She didn't like it, but she knew she could hack the systems...if she could move. He had let her go only one place on her own: the bathroom. Luckily, it was connected to the bedroom and since he didn't follow, she quickly emptied her drawers and everything she could into a duffle bag, stowing it away in the bathroom. She normally would have packed it nicely, but there was no time.

Zayna had managed to stay awake, but he continued with the violence. For whatever reason, he only went after her left side. Not that she thought it was on purpose, but she knew she had bruises all the way down her side and along her stomach at this point. The clock passed 0400, and if she was going to catch her transport, she'd have to leave by 1200. She was exhausted, but finally she saw him pass out.

Waiting an hour to make sure he was completely out, she pulled the bag from the bathroom and struggled to get it towards the door. She unhooked one of the panels and dug around in the wiring for a moment before she heard the latch unlock. Closing the panel back up, she slipped her engagement ring off and left it on the counter and managed to get out.

She kept on a brave face as she got to her transport, and kept her hair to where the bruise wouldn't show on her neck, but the moment she was in her room, she collapsed into a ball of tears and pain.


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