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The Routine Onboarding Physical

Posted on 06 Jul 2021 @ 5:10pm by Ensign Kendra Kyle & Lieutenant Jennin Rhula

829 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Extinction
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Mission Day 15 at 1530

Kendra since arriving on the ship had managed to check in with her new crew chief, the squadron commander, and had found her new quarters. She was surprised by the size and amenities of her new quarters which were much nicer than her last ship. Though she supposed the Century class was much, much larger. Plus she knew there were perks to being a fighter pilot and this was her first assignment with her wings.

She had changed out of her flight suit and into a normal duty uniform before she had left her new quarters. She felt like that was the best idea while dealing with the general ship's population. She still felt odd in her flight suit despite all she had gone through to earn her wings, twice.

Entering sickbay she checked in with one of the enlisted staff telling them she'd just come aboard and wanted to do her check-in. She was told to wait and did so standing off to the side so as to not accidentally be in somebody's way. She was all about flying below the radar on this assignment. Stealth and focus was her new motto.

"Doctor Jennin?"

"Go away," the Bajoran replied, not even bothering to see who was talking to him.

"An Ensign Kyle is here for an on-boarding physical."

With a heavy, and dramatic, sigh, Rhula turned away from his monitor. He had been reviewing an article for the Annals of Exoparasitology, and it was research that he was very interested in commenting on since the conclusions reached by the author were borderline lunacy. "Get someone else."

"You're the only physician available," the yeoman replied, smiling in hopes that it would make the Chief Medical Officer less of an ass.

Rhula threw his hands up in the air as he stood up. "Why am I the only doctor that's ever available?"

This time, the yeoman's smile was very genuine. "I didn't make the schedule, sir. You did."

He stopped in his tracks. Dammit!

"Show the Ensign to exam three," Rhula said. "Get out of here."

Returning to the waiting room, the yeoman called for Kyle. "Follow me, Ensign."

It was a short walk down the corridor to the exam room. "Here you go, Ensign," the yeoman said, opening the door.

"Thank you," Kendra said, as she entered the room. She stood just inside eyeing the biobed for a moment before she sighed and walked to it and got on. She sat there letting her feet swing as she waited for the doctor or whoever would be doing her physical to arrive. She whistled to herself, the tune was of her favorite song, or the current favorite anyway.

"Doctor," she said, pleasantly with a smile as she noticed someone entering and stopped the whistling.

Rhula looked at the young woman....girl even, maybe. From her perch on the side of the biobed, her feet noticeably did not touch the floor. "You're short," he stated bluntly. "Are you old enough to be in Starfleet?"

"I am," Kendra agreed. "And I'm not but so far I've fooled everyone. You won't tell on me will you, sir?" she said, her voice and expression serious. She knew she shouldn't antagonize people who outrank her and she'd had a few course corrections in her attitude and behavior in her short time in Starfleet but old habits die hard sometimes.

Rhula rolled his eyes. "Not worth the trouble," he muttered, looking down at his PADD. "You're a fighter pilot. Not the safest job out there. You enjoy danger?"

"Keeps things interesting, holds my attention," she shrugged. "I can't imagine that holding lives in your hands is much different, is it sir?" Kendra asked.

"Science," he began, "is what I do. While it might brush up against danger on occasion, I wouldn't think to equate it to your line of work. But we each have our role to play, I suppose."

"When was your last physical?" he asked, scrolling through her medical record. "If it was recently enough, we can make this quick."

"About six months ago, I think," Kendra said, her eyes and head moving up and to the right a bit as she thought about it. "Close enough to that anyway," she said, with a shrug. "I'm a Pilot we have to see the doctor way more often than we should ever have to."

His face was expressionless. "Recent enough," he said, beginning a new entry for this exam. "How are you feeling today? Any symptoms I should know of?

"Feel fine, no symptoms," Kendra said.

Rhula was quiet while he set the PADD down and pulled a tricorder out of his pocket. He slowly moved the device up and down his patient. "Nothing concerning here, Ensign," he announced after several minutes. "I'm ordering some routine lab work. The yeoman out front can schedule that for you. Any questions?"

"None, sir," she said, hopping down off the bio bed. "See you next time."


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