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Best-laid schemes o' mice an' men...

Posted on 17 Jun 2021 @ 6:41pm by Conrad Hawkingsson
Edited on on 18 Jun 2021 @ 7:05pm

472 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Extinction
Location: Crippled shuttle
Timeline: Mission Day 19 at 0930

It had all started off so well, finding a shuttle that he could use in order to test out the new fusion generator. Granted, the standard matter/antimatter power plants had a much higher output. But they required dilithium, that was a material needed to be found, mined and processed. The fusion of a star only needed helium as fuel and that was more or less everywhere. It was the most common element in the universe after all. The whole idea was to have fusion generators as backups and maybe on smaller crafts. This would free up delirium for faster than light speeds and larger constructs like starship and space stations.

The initial tests where showing great promise, the generator producing more than enough power to power the electro magnets that kept the miniature star in check and a very nice extra surplus of power. It had easily powered the shuttle craft, it had no issues pushing the small craft to full impulse speeds.

He was in fact about to see if it could supply enough power to the warp necells to reach warp one. The initial output showed that it was possible, this opened up an even more interesting avenue, emergency power generator. But something had happened when he started to pish the generator to maximum safe capacity. A cascading effect had started to run rapid in the generator and when he tried to shut down the generator. It had gone super nova, causing massive and crippling damage to the shuttle.

He had very bad burns and the air was getting thick, he figured the support system was barely working and he was limping at 1/8 impulse power. The power was barely enough to supply emergency lighting. The soft red glow were filling the cockpit area and Conrad was leaning back in the chair, an A4 sized book in his hand and a pen in the other, he was very relaxed even in the dire sircomstanse.

"Sir, shouldn't we send out a distress call?" A sweet disembodied voice asked, it came from a silver object roughly the size of a puck.

"That draws power and I am enjoying the slower pace." Conrad responded. A light blue light first appeared above the puck before it formed into a woman roughly 20 cm tall.

"Perhaps, but the chances of simply stumbling into a ship for rescue out here is 5.729.401.124 to 1." She answered. She was right of course, they weren't exactly in the more common areas where starship traveled.

Conrad smiled warmly at the womanly figure. "True, but you must admit that it was a fascinating experiment and we got plenty of new data and possible applications." He said excitedly.

The blue woman rolled her eyes, of course he was exited, he'll even she fired a few extra micro seconds of extra processing for the possibilities.


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