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What a Life, Huh?

Posted on 25 Jun 2024 @ 10:59pm by Ensign Aurilia Moretti & Lieutenant Lucas Abrams M.D.

1,604 words; about a 8 minute read

Mission: Shattered Unity
Location: Personal Quarters
Timeline: June 17th 2390 || 1900 Hours

Aurilia walked out of the small fresher that she shared with the hulking Medical surgeon, Lucas Abrams, a smile on her face as she dried her long coppery red hair. She had another towel wrapped around her body as she moved to the bed, preferring to use water instead of the sonic shower whenever she could get away with it. With all the extra personnel on board from the multiple attacks that had happened recently, the ship was stretched thin on resources, but she just wanted to feel normal once in a while.

Lucas walked through the door looking as exhausted as he felt. He couldn't remember the last time he'd had to operate on so many critical patients, and the big man found he hoped it didn't happen again for some time to come. "Aurilia?" He called out as he moved to the bedroom.

"Right here, my big mountain," she said with a smile as she sat on the bed white working on her long hair. "You look like you could use eight hours of sleep and a good massage."

He couldn't help but smile as he approached her. "Something like that," he admitted before he leaned down to plant a kiss to her lips, then started to shed his uniform. "It's been a hell of a day. I have a feeling tomorrow will be, too."

Aurila came to her feet and set her towel she had been drying her hair with aside and returned the kiss. She stood up when he started to take off his uniform. "Sit down, babe. Let me do that for you."

"Are you sure?" The large man asked before sitting as he was told. "I should probably take a shower before you touch me."

"Your uninform needs to be incinerated," she said as she worked on getting his boots off. "But I don't care how you look or smell right now. I want to see you comfortable."

"Seeing the things I saw today, I don't know how comfortable I can get," Lucas said quietly. There was a little trauma lingering under the surface, but he would still comply the best he could, lifting his feet for her.

Aurilia looked up at him and saw the stress and worry on his handsome, rugged features as she pulled one boot off, then the other. "You know you can talk to me about it, baby," she said softly. "You got me through the worst of my addiction."

"And I would do it all over again," he said somehow managing smile, but wasn't sure how much he could tell her about the things he'd seen. "I'm just happy to be home with you now. I want to try to put that behind me until I have to make rounds."

She pulled his other boot off, then began to massage his right foot. "Are you hungry? I can replicate a Wagyu tomahawk, baked potato and a salad while you shower."

Lucas shook his head. "Thank you, but I don't have an appetite."

"How about a strong synthohol?" Aurilia suggested as she worked on his feet. For a petite woman, her hands were strong from hours in the cockpit holding onto the control stick with a death grip at times.

He closed his eyes and tried to force himself to relax, but it wasn't easy. "It definitely wouldn't be strong enough. I'll be okay. I just need to take some time to process things. There wasn't time when I was bouncing from one patient to the next."

"I'm sorry, Luc," she said softly as she set his foot down and moved behind him where she started to massage his big shoulders. "Just try to rest. I'll be here."

Lucas smiled. Here mere presence was helping. "Thank you, babe. Having you here helps more than you know."

Aurila smiled. "I love you, Lucas Abrams'," she said. "And I am extremely proud of you." She continued to work on his shoulders, finding little knots of tension to ease loose.

"I love you, too, beautiful," he said, reaching around to carefully pull her onto his lap. The day had been long and hard, and he needed it to end on a high note. "I have no idea what tomorrow will bring, but I do know that I want them all to be with you. Aurilia Moretti, will you do me the galaxy's greatest honor and be my wife?"

She gave a startled squeak unbefitting a combat fighter pilot and found herself in his lap looking up at him. She started to say something, then his last question hit her like a quantum torpedo and blew her warp core. Her mouth fell open and she tried to close it or form the words that tumbled over each other in her brain. Finally, shaking like a leaf and nodding, she managed to find her voice. "Yes! Yes! Yes, I'll marry you! Yes!"

Lucas smiled and pressed a kiss to her lips. "You have made me the happiest man alive, and I promise there will be a ring coming."

Aurila returned the kiss, smiling from ear to ear. She reached up and took a lock of his hair and gently wrapped it around her left hand ring finger. "Ring problem solved."

"What about when we have duty?" He asked. Of course, he had no problems spending every second of his off duty time with her.

"Then I'll cut a little lock off to take with me," she said with a smile.

The mountain of a man grinned. "I mean, you could if you wanted to, but I would expect the same in return. Still, a proper ring is in your future."

"As long as it's from you, I don't care what kind it is," Aurilia said happily.

"No matter what, it will pale next to your beauty," he said, kissing her again. "There's not a woman alive that compares."

She giggled when his mustache ticked her nose, but blushed at his words. "I love you, Lucas. You're the only man my eyes will ever look at."

"I love you, too, Red. Forever and always."

Aurilia smiled even brighter. "Always, my handsome mountain of a man."

"Let me take a quick shower, then I'll be all yours."

"I'll have a cold drink and a hot meal ready for you, love," she said.

Lucas smiled. "I don't know how I get to be so lucky, but I need to thank whoever, or whatever, sent you my way. I promise I won't be long." And, with the, he kissed her again and rose with her in his arms, then deposited her on the bed before heading into the bathroom.

The redhead flopped on the bed and laughed as she looked at him with adoration in her eyes. "I'll be counting the seconds," she said.

The big guy started the shower, then moved to the sink to brush his teeth. He looked at his reflection and smiled. The day had been incredibly hard, but the redhead on the bed had definitely lifted his spirits and given him hope. Lucas loved her, and it was time that everyone knew it.

Aurilia rolled off the bed after a minute and then headed to the replicator. She ordered a large Tomahawk steak the way Lucas liked it, a large loaded baked potato, asparagus wrapped in bacon, and a huge frosted mug of synth beer.,

She replicated a filet mignon wrapped in bacon, artichoke hearts, and sauteed mushrooms, and a glass of sparkling grape juice. She set the table and then replicated a couple fake candles for ambiance and lowered the lights in their quarters.

After a quick shower, Lucas made his way out of the bathroom and quickly dried off before pulling on a pair of black pajama pants that hung low on his hips. He made his way back to the main area of their quarters and gave a low whistle. "Looks good enough to sink my teeth into," he said. "The food looks good, too."

After she replicated the food, Aurilia changed into a red and gold kimono that wrapped around her petite frame and had put her long red hair up in a bun with a pair of chopsticks through it. She smiled and blushed at his words. "You bite me and I may have to get a second opinion from another doctor."

"Oh, my beautiful future Mrs. Abrams..." he began as he moved over to slip his arm around her waist, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "I have made a personal vow as a doctor to do no harm to others, and to heal those in need. Should you seek a second opinion, I might have to go back on that."

She laughed and moved to stand on her tiptoes and put her arms around his neck as she raised up to give him a kiss. "You, my dear Doctor Abrams, are both the only man and only doctor I will ever need."

"I'm glad to hear that," he said as he wrapped his arms around her and lifted her with ease. "Ready to eat?"

"I am, handsome," She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought her legs up around his waist.

"I think I am, too, but with you like this, we might have to put food off for a bit longer."

"Well, you did lift me up," Aurilia pointed out with a giggle.

"So I did, and now food is going to have to wait a bit longer," he said with a grin as he turned to head back to their bedroom.


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