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Provisional Assignment

Posted on 26 Jun 2024 @ 2:58am by Ensign (Provisional) Bertrim Wysocki & Story Teller

1,365 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Shattered Unity
Location: Starfleet Academy, Gamma Command
Timeline: June 10, 2390 || 1300 hours

Cadet Bertrim Wysocki stood at the railing on the upper promenade. He leaned over the railing with his arms holding him sturdy while he people watched. He came here often to reflect on his studies. He had recently come back from a week-long assignment at the Academy Flight Range in the far reaches of Ha'dara star system.

The Promenade was always a busy place, especially since what some Earth cultures considered to be the summer time. For those in the Academy, there was no such thing as a summer break, or a large gap between semesters. For instructors like Lieutenant ch'Krise, a slender Andorian chen, she preferred it this way as it kept her hyper focused on her students, and allowed for plenty of close connections with star pupils.

Especially those like Cadet Socks. ch'Krise had never understood, nor really cared, about the origin of such a unique name. It was informal enough to use on some occasions, though she was left to wonder whether or not this was an appropriate time to use it.

She spotted the young cadet on the upper level after a couple of minutes of wandering the lower level. ch'Krise waved at him, and gestured that he should stay where he was. Immediately, the Lieutenant found a staircase to take to the upper level.

Cadet Wysocki hadn't noticed Lieutenant ch'Krise trying to get his attention from the lower promenade. He had noticed her when she gestured for him to remain where he was. He regained his posture and pushed himself off of the railing. His hands still embraced the railing while he watched her move to the stairwell by the time she had ascended the steps to the upper level he repositioned himself to watch her approach him, "Good afternoon, Lieutenant."

"Good afternoon, Cadet," greeted the Andorian as soon as she was within talking distance. The promenade, while not known as a loud environment, it certainly knew how to carry sound from unexpected directions. "Enjoying your afternoon?"

"I have," Socks sighed while his hand gestured to the people walking on the lower promenade level, "I quite enjoy watching other's enjoying their afternoons. Always have found 'people-watching' fascinating. How about yourself, Lieutenant? I mean, not the people-watching but, your afternoon?"

The chen scoffed and shook her head. "Days like today make me wish I was a cadet again, where the only thing I had to worry about was passing temporal mechanics. Though it sounds like my frustration gets to be your reward."

"I'm just glad temporal mechanics is only an elective for the command division cadets then," Socks shot her a toothy-yet-coy grin.

"You sure about that?" asked ch'Krise, after a soft laugh. "Most temporal anomalies are caused by pilots such as yourself. Or tricobalts detonated in nebulae. So I hear anyway."

"Hey now, Lieutenant, you said it yourself, if it weren't for us hotshot pilots, you'd be out of a course credit from your own Academy days."

The Andorian continued to chuckle, and she shook her head once more. "Cadet, if you're not careful, your cockiness will be your downfall." Smiling, she patted him on the shoulder and turned to look at the area down below them. "Actually, your cocky attitude and talent is why I'm here."

"It's my default archetype after all," Socks commented. "Oh? Why's that? What brings you here, not the 'Hearty Banter Hour with Socks'?" He used his fingers as air quotes for the last part of his sentence.

"You've been around the quadrant for a while," began the Andorian. "What do you know about a ship called Black Hawk?"

"That's an Akira--class, correct? I think I've seen it in port once. I believe I attended a lecture by Captain Geisler when he was a guest lecturer at the Academy."

"Yep, it is, and that's Geisler all right," the Lieutenant confirmed. "It's known for a handful of things. Gamma's flagship. Gamma's demon ship. Some people around here call it an albatross."

"I haven't heard of any of these nicknames and I've been in the Gamma Quadrant all of my life," Socks replied with curiosity in his voice.

ch'Krise smirked and turned back to Socks. "That's all right. Geisler's reputation isn't as measured as others in this quadrant. What matters is... how would you like to fly an Akira? Starfleet keeps getting stretched thinner and thinner out here, and the Black Hawk is in great need of someone with your skills."

The Lieutenant's question really caught him off guard. He wasn't expecting this at all. He was in his senior year so he was approaching his cadet rotation shortly but this seemed to be something else entirely, "I thought Cadet Rotations weren't up until the six-months mark of the senior year?"

She shrugged and sighed. "There's not a lot that's gone as planned these days," ch'Krise admitted. "Overall, Starfleet's enlistment numbers are down, and the Federation is pulling back on its commitments to the Gamma Quadrant. Every ship in this station is understaffed. Admiral O'Connell has authorized early rotations for cadets with high marks."

"I would love to fly an Akira," Socks gave her his answer in shorthand. He was intrigued about leaving the Academy now to start his career as a helmsman.

"Good." ch'Krise smiled and nodded her head. This somehow went simpler than she thought it would be, though she clearly underestimated how eager the cadet was to get behind a real helm. "That's great. It, uh... it comes with some conditions. The first being a reminder that this isn't an early graduation or a permanent posting. You'll still be responsible for your remaining classes, which will be proctored by the ship's Executive Officer and administrative staff."

"I wasn't expecting anything less," Socks replied knowing that he had at least two semesters worth of class credits left before he was eligible to graduate.

"Also, while Captain Geisler is used to having cadets on board," ch'Krise said, reaching into a pocket, "more and more things are about appearances these days. She opened the case to reveal an oblong pip with a slash in the center of it. "You'll be provisional, of course, but since you'd be running a department, those other Ensigns and enlisteds will need a rank to respect."

"Running a department?" Wysocki asked to himself while he watched the Lieutenant pull the Ensign provisional lozenge from her pocket.

"That's right," ch'Krise confirmed, having hearing his quiet comment. "Chief Flight Control Officer is the position. Seems the other pilots on board don't have the qualities Geisler is looking for. He's pretty hard on his senior officers and has particular standards."

Wysocki had always been confident in his abilities but the pressure of his first posting and as a department head, even in provisional title, seemed to be stressed, ''Yes, Lieutenant. I'll show him how Gamma Academy is training Starfleet's finest.''

ch'Krise smirked, somehow enjoying Socks being caught off guard. In many ways, she was reminded of her own eagerness as a freshly minted ensign. Only time would tell how well Socks would adapt to a true life in Starfleet. "That's exactly what I like to hear. You'll get to the Black Hawk by way of the Perseus. She's due to launch at 1800 hours, so make sure you don't miss it. Otherwise, you'll be stuck with me for another term."

That wouldn't give him a lot of time for farewells to his squadron and the friends he made during his time at the Academy. He would only be able to possibly say goodbye to his roommates before they catch their afternoon courses, "I see you want to get rid of me quickly." There was a sparkle in Socks' eyes, "Is that all, Lieutenant? I've got a lot of packing and very little time."

The Andorian nodded. "That's all from me." She extended a hand and smiled. "Good luck out there, Ensign. Make us proud."

"Of course. Thank you, Lieutenant." His eyes moved back and forth to his lapel on his collar to watching what was going on before him. He looked over his shoulder briefly to see the Lieutenant walking in the opposite direction.


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