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Meeting the Provisional Ensign

Posted on 11 Jun 2024 @ 6:32pm by Ensign (Provisional) Bertrim Wysocki & Cadet Freshman Grade Eden Corwin

2,435 words; about a 12 minute read

Mission: Shattered Unity
Location: Talons
Timeline: June 19, 2390 || 1130 hours

The ship was crowded, and all Eden knew was what she overheard others talking about while making her way through the corridors. There wasn't much to go on aside from the fact that whatever happened had been catastrophic. Was it possible she could find out more? Possibly. And if she wanted to continue her journey to becoming a Starfleet officer, she would need to be able to handle the good, the bad and the truly ugly.

For now, though, the two toddlers whose hands she held had her attention. They didn't deserve to be cooped up in quarters even with so many extra bodies on board. It only meant she had to keep a closer eye on them, and she would do just that.

Little Jameson turned his gaze up to her. "Me eat?"

Eden looked down at the little boy and smiled. She felt a bit bad for leaving Rico and Pequeno behind, but it felt like the safest option. "Are you hungry, kiddo? We can head to Talons. They'll have a table open if we're lucky. What about you, princess? Are you hungry?"

Alison didn't answer as she walked through the corridor with her little stuffed Starfleet dog clutched to her chest. She was far too busy people watching, and that didn't leave much room for much else as far as the toddler was concerned.

The young woman couldn't help but laugh. "Well, you keep doing what you're doing. We don't want to interrupt," Eden said, scooping up each toddler to carry them to their destination in search of food.

Ensign Wysocki had worked up an appetite after assisting in triage in Sickbay for several hours. He was recommended Talon's on board the ship. They sat him at the last empty table with four extra chairs. He had the view of the waiting area.

The waiter came over and placed down a glass of ice water and a PADD containing the restaurant's menu. The Ensign looked up smiling, "Thank you."

"You're welcome, would you want anything else to drink?" The server inquired.

"If you don't mind bringing over a pitcher of iced water, please?"

"Of course, I'll be back momentarily with the pitcher, take your time looking over the menu."

Eden made her way inside with the two toddlers and quickly assessed the situation. Talons was as crowded as she expected it to be, but there were a couple empty tables. She nodded toward an empty table and got a thumbs up from the gentleman manning the bar. "We'll be eating soon," she promised.

Wysocki noticed the young woman and two children enter the restaurant. He smiled remembering when he was that age in tow of his mother. He gestured to the host, "Can you extend my invitation to her and the children? And whose that?"

The host glanced toward Eden, then looked back to him. "That's Eden Corwin. She's the Chief of Intelligence cousin, and therefore Captain Geisler's by marriage. Those are their children." He gestured to a waitress to come over, then relayed the invitation so she could go talk to Eden, which she did.

"Thank you," Wysocki smiled to himself while he watched the host walk over to the waiting area. The pitcher had arrived and he asked for the server to fill a few more glasses along with two child-proof ones.

It didn't take long before Eden and the twins approached. She offered smiles to the bartender and Wysocki. "Hello," she greeted them.

Wysocki had already stood up from his seat while Eden and the twins approached the table. It was a courtesy that his mother had taught him. He extended his arm towards her, "Hello. I'm Ensign Bertrim Wysocki. It's a mouthful, I know, friends call me Socks."

"Socks? That's interesting," she said with a smile. "I'm Eden, and this is Jameson and Alison."

Jameson looked at him, then back to Eden. "Me eat?"

Alison still kept quiet, but now he had her attention. For a toddler, she was a bit on the judgemental side. Or maybe that's just how it came across.

"Yes, bud, we're going to eat," she said, looking to Socks. "He's hungry."

"It's a long story," Wysocki commented and then he looked and waved down at both children, "Me too, Jameson, me too. I'm glad both the three of you're able to join me for lunch today."

Eden got the toddlers situated in their booster chairs, then took a seat herself. "Thank you for the invite. It's pretty crowded on the ship right now, and I'm still not sure why."

"You're more than welcome. I insisted that I could have sat at the bar but they took me to this table anyhow. Glad you three were able to join me," Socks replied. The news wasn't something you'd share in earshot of civilians even if they were related to the Captain. The last thing he wanted to do was scare the children.

The waiter came by looking at Eden and the two children first then panned over to Wysocki who waved a hand gesturing to Eden and the children to take their order first, "Have you decided on something yet?"

"A grilled chicken caesar salad for me and chicken tenders and fries for the little ones, please," she answered with a smile. "And a side of onion rings."

"I'll have the salmon poke bowl," Socks then ordered.

The waiter entered his order into the PADD and walked away, "So how long have you been minding the little ones?"

"Since shortly after they were born," Eden answered. "I came back with Joey and Harvey after one of their trips back to earth."

"I've never been to Earth," Wysocki remarked while he took a sip from his glass of water.

Eden smiled. "If you ever get the chance to, you should definitely take it. I miss it sometimes. I haven't been back in a long time."

"I was born here in the Gamma Quadrant," Socks replied. "Thinking about it nor were either of my parents. One day, perhaps. I've always wanted to visit the Phoenix launch site in Bozeman, Montana."

"Then in that case, I hope you can get there. What department are you in?" Eden asked.

"I'm the chief flight control officer, the acting chief flight control officer," he pointed to his lozenge, "I'm a provisional ensign. In my final year at the Academy, I haven't graduated yet."

"That's got to be pretty exciting," she said, moving the twins cups closer so they could reach them easier. "I'm just about finished with my freshman year. Security."

"Congratulations on finishing your freshman year. When do you start your sophomore year?"

"Well, I'm not quite done yet, but will be soon. I have some exams to take, then I'll be set. My sophomore year will start in the fall," she replied.

Jameson looked toward Eden as he put his cup back on the table. "Me eat, Eden?"

Eden looked to her little cousin. "Soon, sweetheart. They're super busy today, but you can munch on these until our food comes," she said, pulling a pack of peanut butter crackers from her pocket. Once she opened them, she gave one to him and his sister, getting thanks from them both.

"I remember my freshman exams," Socks gestured to Jameson and to Alison, "You're great with them."

The young woman smiled. "Thanks. I love these two. They make life exciting."

"I'm glad they bring excitement to your life," then first of the food arrived at their table, the children's chicken tenders. He smiled at Eden and caught the larger-than-life gaze across Jameson's features as the food arrived.

Eden grinned and moved one of the plates to Jameson, who immediately reached for one to take a bite if, then gave Alison hers. "I'm a bit glad theirs came out first. I don't think I could have handled another 'me eat' and not gone to the back to make it myself."

"I have no complaints otherwise," Socks smiled while he was intrigued by Jameson's appetite, "I would have shared my poke bowl with a certain hangry boy here but I don't think he'd like to eat raw fish."

"I'm not sure he's even tried fish. Either of them really," she said looking toward Alison. "She has a decent appetite. She's observant when I take them out and about. Her Dad, though... she is the biggest Daddy's Girl and lights up when she sees him. That being said, she won't turn down snuggles from her Mom."

"I remembered enjoying fishsticks when I were about her age, maybe a bit older."

"How long have you been aboard?" She found herself asking. "And have you met many people yet?"

"I just came aboard the ship today," Socks continued, "I've met the Commodore, Marsh, the Medical staff now these two munchkins, and yourself."

"The Commodore?" Eden asked with an arched brow. "We have a Commodore on board the ship? Is it someone that's here temporarily?"

Cadet Socks for a moment had to remember. He had addressed the Commodore as captain, by technically he was the captain of this starship but he had the pip and bar indicating he was a Commodore. Putting the two together, Geisler was probably recently been promoted to that rank, "Geisler, Commodore Geisler?"

Eden had no idea, but she smiled. He definitely deserved the rank, but as far as she knew he'd been trying to avoid it. Something changed. It was unknown if she would find out what that was. "I'm going to have to congratulate him, then. He deserves it."

"You didn't hear it from me," the Cadet teased. He took a moment to truly look at Eden while he gave her time to respond. She was beautiful, he loved how her hair parted over her ears and her piercing blue eyes had so much life to them.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," she said with a grin, proving she was capable of playing dumb when needed.

"You heard that?" Socks asked as for a moment he thought that maybe he had said about her being beautiful out-loud and then he remembered she was responding to him saying she didn't hear about the Commodore's promotion via him.

"Hear what?" She asked with a curious smile.

There was some color that came to his porcelain-white skin when she followed up there. He looked to the children then back to Eden his cheeks had become slightly more flushed, "You probably get compliments a lot but I find you, quite, beautiful."

Eden blushed. "I don't, but thank you. Most of my time these days are spent with these two or in my room studying. That doesn't leave a lot of time for free time. Though, Harvey and Joey do have a holo-nanny now that they've used in a pinch."

He was surprised that she hadn't received compliments. He understood that she was busy minding her cousin's children and focusing on her Academy studies, "Well, I stand by my compliment." He said with his own self-assurance that he is correct in saying so. "If you ever need a hand studying or would like to go out, I'm there."

"I just might have to take you up on that," she said as she reached for her glass of water to take a sip. "It would be nice to have someone around my own age to talk to."

"I hope you do," Socks replied while the server brought their food to the table. He pulled the chopsticks out of the cover once they had set it down for him and took an edamame and a bit of fish into his mouth.

Eden reached for her fork after adding the dressing to her salad. She looked to each toddler to make sure they were okay before looking back to Socks. "Do you have any plans to introduce yourself to more crew today, or wait a bit?"

"I have been helping out in Sickbay," Socks continued, "I have met Commander Marsh, Doctor Monroe and some of the medical staff. The Commodore believes that there could possibly be a senior staff meeting tonight where I'll meet the rest of them eventually."

"A senior staff meeting? That feels like it might be a lifetime away for me," she said with a smile. "People are pretty nice around here. Except for one individual in my cousin's department. She tells me it's a love/hate relationship. They love to hate each other."

"I am actually surprised I'm a department head, a provisional one at that myself. It will definitely be a learning opportunity for me but with personnel shortages across the quadrant. I'm sure you'll be Chief of Security in no time."

"I don't know about that," she said, eating her salad and onion rings while they talked. "Especially not here. Captain... no, Commodore Geisler wanted his Chief of Security back after she left. He got her back, too. That position is definitely locked down."

"Maybe not on the Black Hawk then? Nothing wrong with becoming an assistant department head or even look into getting a specialization. Plenty of my peers moved into the fighter pilot programme at the Academy."

"I suppose anything is possible in the future," the young woman stated. "Right now, it's just a matter of getting through the next three or so years."

"You just completed the first year which I felt was my longest one during my three years at the Academy so far, except, I wasn't expecting to be assigned to a starship in my fourth year and have an Ensign provisional lozenge on my collar either. But the years to come will go by a lot quicker and I'm always around if you ever need to talk."

"Well, here's hoping that your position and rank, provisional as it may be, is relatively kind to you," she said before taking a sip of her water.

"I appreciate that, thank you." He had made his way through three-quarters of his meal during their talk. "I should get going and head back to Sickbay. It was nice chatting with you, I look forward to chatting with you more later."

Eden smiled. "I should probably get these two back for their naps. You're welcome, and thank you as well. Hopefully, we can meet up at some point in the future."

"I would love that," Socks got up to his feet and looked to the two kids, "It was great meeting both of you. Be good to your Auntie Eden." He looked over and winked at her before leaving the three of them at the table.


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