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Meeting the Commodore

Posted on 14 Aug 2024 @ 12:06am by Commodore (Brevet) Harvey Geisler & Lieutenant Ranul Frex
Edited on on 20 Aug 2024 @ 12:42pm

1,330 words; about a 7 minute read

Mission: Shattered Unity
Location: Ready Room/Main Bridge
Timeline: June 19, 2390 || 1000 hours


Lieutenant Frex had made his way up to the bridge after reporting into Sickbay in order to make sure that he was okay. While there would be a mild concussion, there wouldn't be anything that would be long lasting. Thankfully. But, Frex knew that he still hadn't reported in for duty with the CO, Commodore Geisler.

Walking up to the doors of the Ready Room on the Bridge, Frex pressed the button and waited for a moment for someone to answer.

On the other side of the door, Harvey had just sat down at his desk. Clearly, Mila had already stopped by with a fresh set of padds, undoubtedly updates from the rest of the task group. The situation here at Unity was still developing, so he knew there wasn't a single report or preliminary status to look at.

Not that he needed it, having spent the last hour or so touring his ship.

His ears registered the sound of the door chime, but he didn't let that distract him. Instead, he rose, approached the replicator, and called out "Come," to invite the new arrival in.

Hearing a voice from the other side of the door offering him entrance to the Ready Room, Frex walked through the door which parted ways as he walked through. Frex saw a man not much older than himself, maybe later 30's or early 40's. Frex walked up to the desk within a few paces and said, "Sorry to disturb you, sir. But, I'm Lieutenant Frex, the new Chief Engineer. Sorry that it took me a little while to check in with you, but I had to check into sickbay first after getting a few bumps and bruises."

A small glass containing a ginseng tonic materialized in the replicator during Frex's introduction, which Harvey mindlessly picked up and sipped. "Ah, Mister Frex," he acknowledged. "Don't take this the wrong way, but I'd almost forgotten that we were due to pick you up here. I'm happy you survived the onslaught. I would imagine that that was no small feat. Care for a drink?"

Frex shook his head in the negative before replying, "Well, having to get the Assistant Chief Engineer and a few others to a shuttlecraft and out before the station blew was definitely an experience that I probably won't forget for a while. Have they found out anything about what happened or who it might have been that was attacking us? I'd love to know because I saw way too many good men and women die on the base."

Harvey sat behind his desk, then took a sip of his elixir before setting it on the desk. "I'm afraid not," he admitted. "It's the second quick attack we've seen this week. Bridges destroyed, command crews dead. Even the computers were taken out. The attacks have been surgical, very precise."

"Who would be able to do something quite like that? I'm sure that there's probably not a lot of people that would be able to do something like that within that short amount of time with that much damage. Plus, we're in the Gamma Quadrant and the last time that I checked, Odo and the Dominion were still on the friendlier side with the Federation," Frex offered up as he took a seat across from the Commodore, wondering about the who and why behind such a senseless attack.

"Friendly, yes," Harvey remarked, referring to the Dominion. "They're still very detached and cold, but at least they haven't provoked the situation. They haven't claimed responsibility, and there was actually a Jem'hadar battleship that responded to Unity. It did not survive either."

"Well, if there's anything that I can help out with, just let me know! I know I'm just now reporting in, but I'd love to be able to help out in any way that I can help. Plus, anything you have for me will help me figure out more about this amazing little ship of ours. I have't served onboard an Akira-Class ship, but I've looked plenty into their specs while I was waiting for my pickup," Frex offered up, wanting to be useful in any way possible, especially in potentially figuring out what happened to Unity Station.

The Commodore chuckled before taking a sip of his elixir. As he placed it back down on his desk, he replied, "The ship shouldn't be too much trouble. It's brand new, just a few weeks out of drydock. Now, I'm not convinced that she's fully dialed in, so anything you can offer on that front would be great. As for our mysterious attackers, once we have a workable direction..."

Harvey paused, his thought trailing off as an idea popped into his head. "Actually, there is something you might be able to help with. Although the Dominion has not claimed involvement, we know that there's evidence of polaron weapons. Polaron is pretty much exclusive to the Dominion, so I could use an analysis on the weapons signature. There's plenty of evidence all around, and we took intensive scans of the Gaittithe a few days ago. She's a sister ship that fell victim to the same type of attacks. We were towing her here for salvage, but we had to leave the wreckage behind a few light years ago when the distress call came in."

"Okay, I'm down for seeing what's going on with that. I'll have to brush up on my particle analysis, since I haven't had to do one in quite some time, especially for Dominion weaponry. But, I'm sure that it won't be too hard. Are all of the sensor scans in the computer for me to access and do I have my accesses for the computer onboard? I don't want to have the computer think I'm someone trying to hack in or something, especially with what just happened at Unity station," Frex offered up with a small chuckle.

Normally, Harvey would defer granting computer access to Commander Walsh or Commander Marsh. Seeing how busy today was, perhaps it was best that Harvey stepped in here. "Computer," he said, straightening up in his chair, "activate permissions and clearances for Lieutenant Frex, position Chief Engineer."

The computer beeped and whirred in reply. "Operation complete. Permissions activated for Lieutenant Ranul Frex."

Smiling at the new Chief Engineer, Harvey added, "As for cabin assignment and other on-duty privileges, I recommend seeing Master Chief Rasputin in Adminstration. Under the circumstances, I'm not sure if the quarters set aside for you are still yours or if they have temporary occupants at the moment."

"Honestly, to just have a bed to sleep in tonight and a fresh shower would make for a good night's sleep. Doesn't matter if I have to share a bunk with an enlisted man or not cause we all came up from somewhere. As long as it's not a Tellarite or anything. Those guys have nostrils the size of the lakes of Betazed and the sounds to match it. However, is there anything else I can help you with before I start my analysis?" Frex offered up with a curt nod and a smile as he waited to see if there was anything else he could do for the Commodore.

"Not at this time." Harvey rose from his chair and extended a hand. "All that's left is to officially welcome you on board. I'll leave you to it, Lieutenant."

Frex shook the Commodore's hand and replied, "Thank you, sir! It's an honor to be onboard. Thank you for having the confidence in me."

With that, Frex headed out of the Commodore's office and towards the nearest turbolift to start working on the analysis of those weapons. As he mentioned before, it had been some time since Frex had done one with Dominion weaponry, but he loved the challenge nonetheless. Now, what was that pneumonic for that again?


Commodore Harvey Geisler
Commanding Officer
USS Black Hawk


Lieutenant Ranul Frex
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Black Hawk


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