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Better late than never

Posted on 20 Jun 2024 @ 9:13am by Lieutenant T’Mari Rael & Lieutenant Commander Kennedy Monroe M.D.

1,185 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: History
Location: Sickbay
Timeline: Backpost

Making her way to Sickbay T'Mari thought she'd best get an important oversight sorted, in the time she'd been aboard she hadn't actually had her boarding medical. It wasn't really a massive issue, as she reported to the Blackeagle directly from her last assignment it wasn't like she hadn't ever had a physical.

Walking into Sickbay she smiled as she greeted Kennedy. "Good morning Commander, I thought I'd best report for my medical before Starfleet has you chase me for one!"

Kennedy turned and smiled. "I'm not sure if I'm young enough to do the chasing these days, but I would definitely send someone else after you," she teased. Monroe approached and offered her hand. "It's a pleasure to officially meet you, counselor."

"Likewise Doctor" T'Mari smiled as she shook Kennedy's hand before letting it go again. "I'm generally very good at getting my medicals done, it all comes down to being part of the medical department. However this time I've let myself fall behind, an oversight that needs correcting." she grinned.

Monroe placed one finger against her lips and her eyes sparkled mischievously, then offering, "Better not let the new CMO hear you say that. I'm happy to get you sorted before she finds out," the redhead added with a chuckle, gesturing for the other woman to hop up on a nearby biobed. "Step right up into my lair."

T’Mari smiled as she hopped up onto the nearest biobed. “Before you ask I've got no medical worries or complaints.” She tucked her hair behind her pointed ears, something that she tended to do absentmindedly.

"Spoken like someone who knows the drill," Kennedy replied good-naturedly. "Still, I hope you won't mind if I ask a few questions just to cross my Ts and dot my I's? I know most people are used to a simple tricorder scan making up the bulk of these assessments, and while scans can be informative, I don't want to reduce people's overall health to a series of numbers, especially out here when we rely on each other, if that makes sense?"

T’Mari nodded. “Of course, I don’t mind answering questions so fire away whenever you’re ready!” She smiled warmly.

"Great. You mentioned you have no current concerns, and I have read your medical history, but I'm wondering if there are injuries or illnesses not mentioned in your file? Put another way, if you were in my seat today, I'm curious if there's anything you would want to address with me if I were in your shoes?"

T’Mari gave Kennedy a considered look. “There might be one or two old broken bones show up on your scans, mainly due to my first experiences of sparring with a bat’leth when I was younger. Apart from that I don’t think there’s anything else.”

"I appreciate your candor," Kennedy replied with a small smile. "Is there any particular reason there would still be evidence of those prior breaks? I realize not everyone has access to proper care all of their lives, but I also know some people hold onto reminders of old injuries for emotional reasons. Might that be you?"

T'Mari shrugged her shoulders. "Maybe, I used to be pretty sentimental not quite so much anymore. I think I'd be peppered with reminders if I carried on sav ing the scars and injuries!" she couldn't help but grin. "I don't spar as much as I used to, it just comes in handy."

Kennedy chuckled. "Remind me not to get on your bad side." Of course, the scanner would take note of any signs of older injuries, and would tell her whether they interfered with normal functioning. "How about your sleeping and eating patterns? Remember, my scanners see all, so you may as well confess now." Her tone was teasing, but her questions were sincere. She was always curious to know what people would openly acknowledge about their health. No one could be perfect all the time and someone's willingness to acknowledge that helped the tricorder identify those who would try to mask medical truths and make her job a bit more interesting.

“Eating patterns, are pretty regular but not always the most healthy” T’Mari grinned. “There are times I just sit down and pig out on whatever makes a stressful day feel better. As for sleep, I normally sleep quite well but it depends on whether there’s anything bugging me, or if crew emotions are running high. It can be disruptive.”

"I do understand that," Kennedy replied sincerely. "I'm not here to crriticize, just to keep an eye on the frequency of those occurrences and to offer what support I offer. I say that fully acknowledging I can be guilty of not always practicing everything I preach, while also recognizing we need to support each other and encourage taking care of ourselves. What do you suppose stresses you out the most?"

“The most?” T’Mari paused. “Again it would depend on what’s happening at the time. Generally it would be when I’m tired, it makes a day so much longer and harder if I haven’t slept very well. It takes energy to keep my mental defences up.”

Kennedy nodded. "That's understandable. Is there anything you and I can do to ensure you sleep well most of the time?"

“At worst I’d say provide me an inhibitor, but I seriously hate using inhibitors.” T’Mari smiled a wry smile. “there’s nothing worse than feeling like you’re cut off from everything.”

"I'm sure we can find something between the two extremes. Are you open to trying yoga or other forms of relaxation?"

“Sure!” T’Mari nodded and smiled. “I’ll try anything that helps. Being a therapist I’m used to suggesting alternative treatments to my patients so I understand the various options.”

"Of course," Kennedy replied. "How do you find most people take suggestions like mine in your experience?" She asked with a grin.

“Well some are enthusiastic, others not quite so” T’Mari smiled. “It varies.”

"It sounds like you've had better luck introducing alternative strategies for stress management than I have. We'll have to get together again and you can tell me your secret," Kennedy offered. "For now, I don't see anything that would prevent me from clearing you for duty. Just give me a moment to put the updated information in the computer, and I shall set you free from my clutches, unless you can think of anything else to share?"

“Absolutely Nothing!” T’Mari smiled. “I have plenty to be getting on with so the sooner I can get to it the better.”

Kennedy tapped a few keys on the computer before turning to face her patient. She smiled. "I know how to take a hint. It was a pleasure meeting you. Feel free to message me if you need anything, but for now, do enjoy the rest of your day."

“I will, thank you Kennedy” T’Mari smiled before heading on her way. She was sure she and Kennedy would be good friends.



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