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Into the Grahamhole

Posted on 18 Jun 2024 @ 2:26am by Master Chief Petty Officer Mila Rasputin & Story Teller

827 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Shattered Unity
Location: Administration
Timeline: June 19, 2390 || 0700 hours

It took a lof of effort and a lot of time to send out messages to Captain Jurue Soroca of the USS Perseus, Commander Tharlon Wul of the USS O'Carroll, Captain Todd Ahern of the USS Challenger, Captain Mari Solvbakken of the USS Valcour, Commander Tass Pol of the USS Nelson, Captain Praox of the USS Valdess, Captain Uro Rada of the USS Prince of Wales, Captain Cacod Suhea of the USS Brandenburg, Captain Odros Ratir of the USS Belgrade and Captain Graham Holmes of the USS Endurance and convince them of the importance of the meeting at Razmena that Commodore Geisler wanted.

It was Captain Graham Holmes of the USS Endurance, or Grahamhole as she was starting to think of him, that caused the most problems. Ironically, it was his Yeoman that decided he was the personal gatekeeper for his sleeping master instead of an administrative assistant. It did not seem to matter that the orders were coming from the newly appointed - brevit the Yeoman had argued - Commodore, or that they were valid.

It had taken her another ten minutes and several threats to have the Endurance see how long they could endure without support of any kind that led her to finally getting a face to face with Captain Graham "Grahamhole" Holmes.

Mila kept her face very neutral as she looked at the man who had clearly been roused from sleep, but she didn't wait for pleasantries. "Captain Holmes, I am realizing that things are being hectic for you, but Commodore Geisler is needing you at Razmena as fast as you are able to get the Endurance there."

"Commodore!?" spat the British Captain over the terminal. Were it not for his human name, pale complexion, and lanky form, he would surely be mistaken for a Tellarite or Zaldan. In fact, there were some in Belvedere that swore his grandmother had a tryst with a Zaldan, though it'd never been officially proven. "The man loses two ships and O'Connell makes him the head of the task group? You've got to be kidding me."

"Am I looking like I am kidding, Captain? You are always being the last holdout of any captain in the entire task force as if you are having say. Admiral O'Connell has made decision. Commodore Geisler has ordered all of Task Force Belvedere to be assembling at Gavara. Are you refusing order?"

Graham scowled. "We're hunting warp trails into a nearby nebula," he protested. "We've been tracking two Ferengi traders for two months, and we know they have a cache they're looking to fence. If I leave now, then all that work will go to waste."

"Five ships have been destroyed and a station and you are being worried about two Ferengi? Hundreds of lives have been lost and we are no longer having anyone out here. I am strongly suggesting you are turning your ship towards Gavara and engaging maximum warp," Mila nearly shouted, but kept her voice icy.

"Exactly my point," Graham objected. His eyes narrowed to an intensity that would have rivaled a Kryptonian and his heat vision. "No one knows what happened. Not the crew of the Gaittithe. Not the survivors of Starbase Unity. Not even Geisler who watched from his high perch as his people sifted through the rubble. We need answers, and these Ferengi could lead us to them."

"At least he is taking action where it is being needed and you are not answering a call to action, Captain," Mila said. "Do not be thinking that just because I am only Master Chief that you are not having to listen. I am giving orders to you courtesy of Commodore Geisler and I fully intend to be giving him a full report on what you are saying and doing next."

Graham sat unmoving (mostly since he was tapping his finger on his desk repeatedly) for a few seconds. "Fine," the captain said at last. "But I am lodging my protest with the play-acting Commodore and the Admiral. If this whole thing blows up, it's on Geisler's head. Not mine."

Mila gave him a fond smile. "Be sure that I will happily pass on your complaint and we are looking forward to seeing you there," she said. "Is there anything else which I can look forward to telling him?" She asked with an over the top sweet smile.

"Yes," the Captain said reluctantly. "Tell him we'll bring the potato salad."

"Bring supplies. They are being needed more. Rasputin out." With that, she closed the comm and prepared a memo for Harvey detailing the conversation and what to expect from him and the other Captains.


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