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The Duty Station

Posted on 16 Jun 2024 @ 10:31pm by Lieutenant Commander Theodore Marsh III & Ensign (Provisional) Bertrim Wysocki

452 words; about a 2 minute read

Mission: Shattered Unity
Location: Bridge
Timeline: June 17, 2390 || 0830 hours

Ensign Betrim Wysocki stepped onto the bridge from the adjoining corridor from the Captain's Ready Room. He made his way to the bow of the bridge. He passed by who he assumed was Commander Marsh who was speaking with one of his operation managers about making arrangements for survivors. He sat down at his duty station for the first time and placed his hands on the interface.

He looked straight ahead.

Out of the corner of his eye, Teddy saw a young ensign assume a position at the flight control console. It was quite common for junior officers to rotate through shifts as helmsmen, so he didn't think much of it.

Ensign Wysocki continued to look over his shoulder to see if Commander Marsh was still on the bridge and if he wasn't preoccupied by one of his staff members. After a few minutes, he found his window of opportunity. He got up from his duty station and approached, "Good morning, Commander. I'm Ensign Bertrim Wysocki."

"Theodore Marsh. The third, technically," he responded with a friendly smile. "Nice to meet you Ensign."

"Likewise, Commander." The Ensign continued, "I know it's a longshot but I was trained piloting on older ship-classes that still have analog piloting devices installed. What's the likelihood of getting something similar installed?"

"Don't think you can cut it with current equipment? Not a good sign," Marsh replied with a raised brow.

"There's nothing wrong with the current equipment, no, sir."

"So you don't need the console retrofitted?" the operations officer asked.

"No it's not necessary," Socks continued, "it's something on my wishlist. I just feel something that's analog would be perfect for precision when it comes to evasive manuevers."

"Let's keep things as they are then," the senior officer said. "For now, at least. Send me the specs of what you're thinking and we'll see were we go from there."

"The Commodore will speak to you about it but since I've got your ear now, I'd like to book time on any of the Holodecks to hone my skills on evasive manuevers."

Teddy's console emitted a short series of beeps. He reached down, silenced the alert, and tapped in a few commands. "When we end up in a combat situation, I'm sure those sharped skills will come in handy." He continued to work for another 30 seconds before looking up and seeing that the pilot was still just standing there. "Was there something else?"

''No sir,'' Socks replied, 'that's everything. Thank you for your time. I'm going to head down to Main Sickbay and help them with triage.''

Marsh offered no response. Was I ever that young?, he asked himself as he returned to his work.


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