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Bamaass Recovery

Posted on 20 Aug 2024 @ 11:54am by Story Teller & Lieutenant Ranul Frex & Ensign Ronin Tetnel & Ensign Shay Mitchell

2,981 words; about a 15 minute read

Mission: Shattered Unity
Location: Wreckage of the USS Bamaass
Timeline: June 19, 2390 || 1230 hours

"Your objective seems simple enough, but is more dangerous than you all might realize. Retrieve the bio-neural gel packs and as much of the databases that you are able to," Joey said to the gathered teams. "Make sure you remain aware of your surroundings, look out for each other and try to come back the way you all left. Remember you don't have a lot of time to make this happen. That said, I will see you all when you return." With that, she nodded her head in both teams direction and turned to exit the flight deck.

Ensign Tetnel looked around as he and the away team stepped off the Type 11 shuttlecraft and onto the flight deck of the Bamaass. He activated his wrist lights and pulled his tricorder out to begin a scan. "The nearest bio-neural get packs are thirty meters to port," his voice came over the comm in their helmets.

Crewman Xhola, a Rigelian female operations officer, felt cramped in her EVA suit. She'd worn one only during the trials and qualifications associated with basic training, but had hoped to never be in one of these things again. It was strange really, seeing her former assignment torn to shreds. It was only yesterday that she was in this flight deck, shuffling new cargo with an antigrav pad. Now she was apparently fit enough to help retrieve critical technology that might reveal whoever it was killed her friends.

"Not exactly easy to get to," Xhola responded, having not pulled out her tricorder. "The packs will be in a network closet that has high security. The idea was to keep borders from quickly accessing critical subsystems while also keeping those key subsystems close enough for flight deck maintenance."

"What can you guys tell me about everything. I just got onboard after being rescued from Starbase Unity, so I'm behind a little bit in regards to my intel. Have they found out anything about the people that attacked the Starbase or anything yet?" Ranul asked as he was going through his bag to make sure that he had all the tools he could possibly need to get everything out and make sure that nothing from the ship could get into enemy hands.

Shay hadn't anticipated running into any kind of trouble in the form of hostile parties, but there was potential for other dangers. She took a look around at their current surroundings and spoke over the comm. "I'm not going to pretend to know what needs to be done, but I can follow orders and provide an extra pair of hands."

Ronin headed towards the corridor that the tricorder indicated was the right direction, stepping over and moving around debris and hanging wires. "The gel packs are in section twelve-beta and thirteen charlie," he said. "Once we remove those, we can move to the next section." He said as he advanced to the first objective. "We need a cutting tool since the power is offline."

"You want a metal cutting tool or would something like a torch or laser cutting tool be better for you? I'm assuming it'd be better to see once we get into the panels, but I just don't know if they'd be fuzed together or if something more basic would do the trick," Frex asked, maybe overthinking it for a moment. But, also wanting to make sure that they had everything possible to get what they needed and to get off the ship. It was starting to give Frex the creeps.

If there had been air outside of their suits, perhaps the away team would have heard the floor beneath their feet groan as the deck rotated with the listing section of the hull. Xhola found herself grateful for the magnetic boots they wore. "How many gel packs are we looking to recover?" she asked out loud.

"Whatever can be used to cut through the panel without damaging the gel packs." He looked at the other woman who had joined them. "As many as possible." He checked his tricorder again as he continued to move towards the junction it indicated.

"Okay, once we get to the first set of panels, I should hopefully know the best tool to use. But, I'd like to see them first before I start jumping the gun or anything. How much further are these first two sets of panels?" Frex asked, curious to how much further the first two panels were. He was just hoping that he wasn't sounding too anxious or anything with asking how much further it was.

"Fifteen meters," Ronin said as he checked the tricorder and looked ahead at the debris that he paused to step over.

Shay continued to monitor their surroundings. "Do you want me to go ahead and see what our path looks like?"

"Please, Ensign," Ronin said, noting how pretty she looked behind her mask, but he had other concerns on his plate. "There's a lot of debris ahead."

Shay nodded as she mentally prepared herself. "I'll be as quick as I can be," she said before she moved forward, climbing over some debris to get to where she needed to be. It wasn't long before she rejoined the rest of her party. "I was able to get about half way before part of the deck is blown out. About twelve feet. We're going to have to climb or try to jump."

"By the looks of everything, we shouldn't have an issue with jumping or anything. I'm reading that the gravity onboard the ship is fairly close enough to zero-g as possible, so jumping over a space that large shouldn't be too much of an issue," Frex said as he took his own tricorder out and took a reading of the gravity situation within the ship itself.

"Lead the way, Ensign Mitchell," Ronin said. "I'll go next."

The young woman nodded. It wasn't unusual for Security to take point in certain situations, and this situation was no different. "Understood," she said, moving forward and taking the same path she did only moments before. "There's debris all over, so we're going to have to watch our step."

"Just let me know if I'm going to end up face planting, so I could at least brace myself before going down," Frex said, pointing his wrist light down the corridor that was messy all the way down quite a bit. He let out a little chuckle at his own little joke, but once he heard that nobody was laughing, Frex stopped and just let the rest of the team lead the way.

Ronin followed behind Shay and after he cleared the last of the debris, he looked at the expanse of space in front of them with no shields or hull to protect them from space. "Use your mag boots if you don't feel comfortable making the jump," he said over the comm.

"It has been a little bit since my zero-g training, but it was definitely fun doing it with both the mag boots and free fall," Frex replied as they started to walk further down and into some spots of open space.

Xhola was the last to traverse the gap, finding it uncomfortably comfortable in the process. "It shouldn't be much further," she remarked, still adjusting to the condition of the vessel. "And if this closet doesn't have enough, we can go two sections down to the other side of the sensor array. There are processors and gel packs on both sides."

"Let's hope there's enough here," Shay said with an internal shiver. The faster they could get their goal finished, the better off they would all be.

"Just depends on the way that everything happened. That's one of the bad things about the gel-packs compared to the chips. They're way more susceptible than the chips are to temperature and other issues," Frex replied, keeping in line with everyone else, making sure to follow everyone's footsteps and jumps.

Ronin followed behind Shay as he checked his tricorder. "The ship isn't too steady, either." As a drifting hulk leftover from a battle in space, the drift and breakdown of the ship continues.

"Depending on what's going on with the ship, I might be able to bring the stabilizers online and get the ship to quit rocking. But, since the ship isn't in the best of conditions, I can't guarantee my work. Unfortunately, I'm not a miracle worker with random vessels floating in space," Frex offered up.

"At least we're not being asked to repair," mused Xhola, withdrawing her tricorder and activating it. "We're here," she announced, and approached the door. "Standard operating procedure required that the door be locked when the room was unoccupied, especially so close to the shuttlebay. Lieutenant, do you have a spare battery that we can connect to the controls? That should give us enough juice to open it up."

Walking over to the control panel and taking a look over everything, Ranul looked into his pack to see if he had the right type of battery to get the door up and running, so that they could get inside. Finding what he was looking for, Ranul hooked everything up and within moments, Ranul was ready to open the door. However, before he did so, Ranul looked to the others and said, "Might want to stand back. Don't want anything like decompression to suck you in there or anything."

Shay didn't need to be told twice. She took a few steps back being careful where her feet landed. Falling through the floor was unlikely, but not impossible given the ship's current condition. "The quicker we can get off of this thing, the better my nerves will be."

Ronin stepped back as well and checked his tricorder again. "It looks stable enough at the moment."

Half looking over his shoulder, Ranul said, "Doesn't mean anything. I've seen ships go from being totally fine to going boom because someone moved their hand two inches in the wrong way while repairing a decoupler." Ranul looked back and began working on getting everything that they needed, making sure to take his time to make sure nothing did happen on this mission.

"There should be a total of six gelpacks installed here," Xhola announced, moving to one of the two access points they were located in. "Two here, and four in the main network junction. Normally, there's a correct way to remove them. Top first, bottom last. But with there being no power in here, I'm not sure it matters."

"Let's get them and get out of here," Ronin said.

"Xhola's right. Even without power, the whole thing could blow and I don't feel like having a bad day. The gelpacks have to come out in a certain way and I'm going to make sure that it happens that way," Ranul offered up as he began working on removing the gelpacks, in the correct pattern to make sure that the ship truly didn't crumble underneath any of them.

Shay watched as Ranul began to remove the gelpacks. Soon, they would be back aboard the safety of their own ship, and the young woman couldn't wait. "What can I do to help?"

After Ranul removed the first of the gelpacks, he handed Shay his tricorder and the first gelpack as he said, "Scan each one of the packs to make sure that there isn't any residual electrical discharge remaining in them. Discharges can cause the gelpacks to go inert and not work for what the Black Hawk needs them for. I know that it's not much of your forte, but it'll help me get this done sooner rather than later."

Xhola carefully removed the first of her two gel packs. Normally this wouldn't be a difficult task, but the EVA suit's gloves had made her slender hands bulky and difficult to manipulate. The worst part was that the gelpack beside it had burst, leaving a slick residue over the one she was trying to remove. "I'll only get one from over here," she reported aloud. "The other is damaged beyond repair."

Ranul walked over and saw the extent of the damage that Xhola was talking about. "Damn, it must've busted in an explosion that came through this part of the ship. Go ahead and take that one out of the panel so that we can take it back to the ship. I want to run some tests to see exactly what happened to it. Might help in pushing the final frontier of bioneural gelpack technology and making them a little less fragile in the future."

"Aye, Lieutenant," Xhola confirmed. She reached up and slowly removed the top portion of the gelpack from its frame. After disconnecting the bottom, she looked around for something she could put the gel pack in. It had already contaminated one gel pack enough, and she needed to make sure what remained got contained.

"Would that help?" Shay asked, pointing to a toolkit that was trapped under some debris nearby. "I think I can dislodge it."

Ranul looked over before heading over to where Shay was standing. Looking to see what kind of kit it was, Ranul quickly saw that it was an Engineering kit, where he replied, "Yes! That would help out quite a bit and once it's dislodged, let me know. I want to make see what's within it and still working."

The young security ensign moved over to the toolkit and gauged how difficult it would be getting it out without putting them in danger. After deciding things wouldn't be so bad, she crouched down and gripped the toolkit in both hands. "One, two..." Shay murmured, giving a firm yank on three. The twisted metal groaned in protest, but gave no indication of collapse. "I have it!"

"How many more do we need?:" Ronin asked. "We don't have much time left on this hulk."

"There's only five usable here," Xhola said, hoping that she'd counted correctly. "There's another access point on the other side of the sensor array, but that's four sections over."

Shay brought the toolkit over and set it down. "Five might have to do. We still need to see what we can do about gathering what we can from the ship's database."

Ranul walked over and said, "Do you think that we might be able to get power to one of the panels down here? If we can, I might be able to bypass some of the damaged systems and get us access to the database. But, I wouldn't know until we get some power to a panel...somewhere."

Ranul looked around to see if there was a control panel that wasn't smashed to bits and pieces, but he wasn't having any sort of immediate luck finding anything.

Ronin looked up. "Will a sarium-krellide.cell work?" He handed over his phaser that was powered by the cell.

Ranul looked at the phaser for a moment and did a few things with it before saying, "YES! That would work out quite well for at least getting a panel back up and running! Ronin, help me out with this." Ranul walked over to a nearby panel and took the panel off to try and get the panel back up and running.

Just as Xhola was finishing placing the damaged gel pack into a container, the floor shifted suddenly beneath her feet. The magnetic boots kept her position secure, but the force of the shift was unmistakable and caused her to lose her balance. "I think something hit us!" she gasped, reaching for the open hatch in an attempt to steady herself.

Despite her boots holding her in place, Shay reached out to grab hold of whatever she could to keep herself upright out of instinct. She'd seen and been involved in many things, but this was definitely up there on the list for scariest. It was all she could do to keep the panic from her voice. "I think that's our signal to get the hell out of here. Whatever we have will have to be enough."

"Then let's get out of here now," Ronin said as he turned and checked his tricorder again. "This way," he said and headed out another way than where they had came in.

Ranul wasn't stupid to stand around and wait for an answer to any question that he might've had. He followed close behind Ronin and took out his own tricorder to make sure that he could help out with seeing what debris might lay in their path. He saw something in their path a couple meters ahead of them and Ranul said, "Look out in about 20 meters. We've got a damaged structural beam and it's right in our way!"

Xhola could feel the corridor moving under her magnetic boots. The listing made it difficult for her to walk forward, and looking upward she saw the stars moving through breached hull plating. "I think I'm going to be sick," she remarked as she struggled to continue onward.

"Please, don't," Shay said from nearby, hoping things stayed together long enough for them to get back to their own ship. "If you do, then I guarantee I will, too."

"Just go, go, go," Ronin urged everyone.

"Didn't plan on stopping for some holography or anything. Not the best view from here!" Ranul replied as he followed in step behind the rest of the group.

Moments later, the away team arrived back in what remained of the shuttlebay. Not long after, a pair of blue nacelle streaks exited the bay just before the large remains of a nacelle crashed into the open area. The Bamaass was officially no more.

The team may have only been able to retrieve a smaller amount of gelpacks than they had intended, but time would tell if the excursion had been worth it.


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