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Analyzing everything-Part One

Posted on 19 Aug 2024 @ 11:17pm by Lieutenant Ranul Frex

612 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Shattered Unity
Location: Main Engineering/Engineering Lab 1
Timeline: 19 July 2390 || 1100hrs


Ranul had made his rounds to the Quartermaster's office and found out where his temporary quarters might be until they could assign him something more permanent. Since the ship was carrying some of the survivors of Starbase Unity onboard, the available space onboard was a little bit tight and Ranul understood that. He was just glad to have somewhere onboard to lay his head and sleep for the time being.

Ranul went to his quarters and got in a sonic shower and a fresh uniform before deciding to head down to Main Engineering to take a look around for a moment. The gentle hum of the warp core came from across the room as Ranul walked over to it and put in some commands into the warp core control station next to where the core actually was.

One of the engineers from across the room happened to see Ranul walk in and start working on the station. Ranul hadn't made any formal introductions, since he had just come onboard within the last few hours and with everything that happened with the starbase, everyone was a little bit on edge that something might come to harm the Black Hawk herself.

The engineer walks over to Ranul and asked, "I'm sorry, sir. But, I'm going to have to ask for some identification if you're going to be working down here in Engineering. With everything that has happened, I hope that you can understand where we're coming from."

Ranul looked up from what he was working on and looked at the young man, letting out a small chuckle. Ranul reached over to grab a PADD that was sitting atop of a nearby console, put in some commands, and waited for a moment while it brought up all the information. It was Ranul's biographical information, including his picture and the Commodore's transfer orders that were finalized not even an hour or two prior. He handed it over to the young man and let him look it over before Ranul started to do anything with any other console again.

The ensign looked over all the information for a moment before handing the PADD back to Ranul and replying, "Sorry, sir. Just with everything that happened to Starbase Unity, we've been on heightened security throughout the ship and want to make sure nothing happens to us the same way it happened to Unity. Again, my apologies."

Ranul put his hand on the Ensign's shoulder and replied, "That's nothing to worry about. You've done the Black Hawk well and I'm glad to have you on my team, or even just for a little bit if you were onboard the Unity. But, I could use some help in accessing the sensor information that the Black Hawk has for the attack. The Commodore wants me to look into it, since the Chief of Science is busy with some other stuff at the moment. Think you could help me out with that?"

The Ensign nodded and said, "Yeah, that should be easy. What parts of the sensor analysis did you wanna see first?"

Ranul hadn't thought much about it and asked the Ensign, "How much raw data do we have and how much were we able to salvage from the Unity and other Starfleet instillations?"

The Ensign's hands moved over his console and it took a moment before he could reply. However, once he did, he looked back up at Ranul and replied, "There's quite a bit in here."

Ranul smiled at the Ensign and replied, "I guess we better start with the earliest data that we have..."



Lieutenant Ranul Frex
Chief Engineering Officer
USS Black Hawk


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