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Posted on 28 Jan 2017 @ 10:24am by Lieutenant Commander Camila Di Pasquale & Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler

582 words; about a 3 minute read

Mission: Endgame
Location: Security
Timeline: MD 12 || 1100 Hours

With the scene fully scanned, and the body moved to the morgue, Joey made her way through the Security facility. Her destination was interrogation room one where Richardson was awaiting her arrival so he could be questioned... not just about the discovery he'd made regarding the young Andorian woman, but also what happened in the span of nearly twenty-four hours. Too many questions... Not enough answers. That was all about to change.

Walking into the room, she dismissed the other officer and asked that he wait outside, then looked to the man sitting at the table. No sense in beating around the bush. "How did you come to find her inside that maintenance room?"

Richardson looked up when the Lieutenant came in. "I told you already," he said. "I came to find her because we were supposed to have lunch today and the computer said she was here. I figured she was doing some work and...and when I came to check on her...I found her like that."

"You were supposed to meet for lunch?" Joey found herself asking as she settled down. "Tell me why the brig was left unattended before Gutierrez and Miller got there, and why Jackson wasn't gassed as per the Captain's orders?"

"What do you mean that he was left unattended?" Richardson asked while looking confused. "I went to go get a cup of coffee and Zh'rykreq told me that Miller and Gutierrez showed up while I was out to take over."

"Then you were misinformed," she stated. "It seems our prisoner caused some trouble and injured one of our crewmen as a means to escape. Never trust the word of anyone unless you see it for yourself. You're as much responsible as they are."

"I still can't believe she's dead," he said and shook his head. "She and I were just starting to talk more. I had a lot of respect for her. Why would she lie to me? Who got hurt?"

Joey shook her head. Since the investigation just went much deeper, she wasn't disclosing any information that didn't need to be known. "You said you were beginning to talk more. Did she ever say anything to you? That she was depressed or anything?"

"I know she had been spending a lot of time by herself," Richardson said. "She mentioned that she had problems but wouldn't talk about them and that she had been drinking just to get to sleep. Still, she never let it affect her duties. I was going to have lunch with her today to see if I could get her to talk to the Counselor or open up to me."

"Sit tight," the Lieutenant said, rising to her feet and making her way out of the room. She spoke quietly to the officer standing outside the door and gave him orders to form a team and search Zh'rykreq's quarters to look for anything that might help. Once he was on his way, she moved back inside and retook her seat. "Given everything we've all been through lately..." She didn't really need to say anything more. "I'm not holding you for anything, so you're free to go, but I might have more questions for you. Keep yourself available."

"Where would I go, Lieutenant?" Richardson asked her as he came to his feet. "We're on a ship in a universe not our own and people are hunting us."

Joey shook her head and got to her own feet. "Just keep yourself available."


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