The Finnean Crisis

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Status Completed Mission

It is now November 2388, a little more than three months since the Federation ended the Consortium coup. The USS Vasco de Gama, a Nova-Class Starfleet vessel patrolling the mouth of the Finnean Convergence Zone, comes across a 100-year old Class Nine Probe. Their engineers quickly uncover the first page of a great mystery, a garbled message stating that a great danger is about to eclipse the Federation. The recording lasts for minutes, but most of the information had been lost due to years of aged equipment and hardware.

Normally, such a discovery would be inventoried and carefully studied. However, the crew of the Black Hawk is summoned back to active service to discover the origin of the probe, determine if the Federation is actually in danger…

And find out why the message was sent by Harvey Geisler himself.

But first, the crew of the USS Black Hawk must retrieve the probe from Deep Space 15, a station that was abandoned by the Federation during the Consortium Crisis and restore the balance of power in the Finnean System.

Read more, including a summary, HERE.

Mission Group Season 3
Start Date 21 Apr 2017 @ 10:12pm
End Date 15 Oct 2017 @ 10:12pm

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Title Timeline Location
Message In A Bottle
by Captain Harvey Geisler & Lieutenant JG Charles Carmichael
Stardate 65790.5 || October 16, 2388 USS Vasco de Gama patrolling the Finnean Convergence Zone
Big, Bald and Confused
by Lieutenant David Moreau Jr
DS 9
Passion Interrupted
by Captain Harvey Geisler & Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler
October 23, 2388 Somewhere In The Ocean
A Bit of Home While You Roam
by Lieutenant Commander Gemma Alexander
October 2388 Various
Monkey Mind
by Lieutenant JG Catherine Cooper
Late October 2388 Earth
The Fate of Corwin
by Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler & Commodore Blaise Satié
October 23, 2388 USS Lakota
A New Friend
by Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler & Captain Harvey Geisler
MD 1 || 1200 Hours USS Lakota
Together Again
by Admiral Zachary O'Connell & Captain Harvey Geisler & Commander Thiago Teixeira & Commander Terry Walsh & Commander Jayla Kij & Lieutenant Commander Arjin Djinx & Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler & Lieutenant David Moreau Jr & Lieutenant Avery Stuart Ph.D. & Lieutenant JG Felix Langston & Lieutenant JG Michael Griffin
MD 1 || 1400 hours Ward Room 2, Deep Space 9
Parting Words
by Admiral Zachary O'Connell & Captain Harvey Geisler
MD 1 || 1430 hours Deep Space Nine
Back to Work
by Commander Jayla Kij
MD1 : 1430 (Immediatey following "Together Again") Sick Bay
That New Car Smell
by Captain Harvey Geisler & Commander Thiago Teixeira & Commander Terry Walsh & Commander Jayla Kij & Lieutenant Commander Arjin Djinx & Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler & Lieutenant Commander Gemma Alexander & Lieutenant David Moreau Jr & Lieutenant Danyl Adan & Lieutenant Avery Stuart Ph.D. & Lieutenant JG Felix Langston & Lieutenant JG Dean Winchester & Lieutenant Jennin Rhula & Senior Chief Petty Officer Mila Rasputin
MD 1 || 1530 hours USS Black Hawk
The Letter
by Captain Harvey Geisler
MD 1 || 1645 hours USS Black Hawk || Ready Room
Shock and Awe
by Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler & Commander Jayla Kij
MD 1 || 1630 Hours Sickbay
Tour du Black Hawk
by Lieutenant David Moreau Jr
MD 1 || 1600 Hours Security Locations
Call Me Maybe
by Lieutenant David Moreau Jr & Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler
MD 1 || 1700 Hours Quarters
Adan and Kij
by Commander Jayla Kij & Lieutenant Danyl Adan
MD 7 || 1930 hours Sick Bay
Inspection: Security
by Captain Harvey Geisler & Lieutenant David Moreau Jr & Lieutenant Richard Metsker & Lieutenant JG Dean Winchester & Lieutenant JG Catherine Cooper & Ensign Shay Mitchell & Petty Officer 1st Class Allen Miller
MD 2 || 0945 Hours Security Complex
The Big Reveal
by Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler & Captain Harvey Geisler
MD 1 || 2000 Hours Captain's Quarters
Nice to Meet You, Too
by Lieutenant Jennin Rhula & Commander Jayla Kij
MD1 Sick Bay
Security Meeting
by Lieutenant Richard Metsker & Lieutenant David Moreau Jr
MD 2 || 1025 Hours Security Complex
Physical - Moreau
by Lieutenant David Moreau Jr & Commander Jayla Kij
MD2 || 1100 Hours Sick Bay
Away from it all
by Lieutenant JG Catherine Cooper & Lieutenant JG Dean Winchester
Shore Leave Backpost Earth
New Old Friends
by Lieutenant JG Catherine Cooper & Lieutenant Danyl Adan
Shore Leave Backpost Earth
Inspection: Squadron
by Commander Terry Walsh & Captain Harvey Geisler & Lieutenant Commander Gemma Alexander & Ensign Aurilia Moretti
MD 2 || 1015 hours Flight Deck
Rock Steady
by Lieutenant David Moreau Jr & Captain Harvey Geisler
MD 2 || 1000 Hours Security Office

Mission Summary

It is now November 2388, a little more than three months since the Federation ended the Consortium coup. The USS Vasco da Gama, a Nova-Class Starfleet vessel patrolling the mouth of the Finnean Convergence Zone, comes across a 100-year old Class Nine Probe. Their engineers quickly uncover the first page of a great mystery, a garbled message stating that a great danger is about to eclipse the Federation. The recording lasts for minutes, but most of the information had been lost due to years of aged equipment and hardware.

Normally, such a discovery would be inventoried and carefully studied. However, the crew of the Black Hawk is summoned back to active service to discover the origin of the probe, determine if the Federation is actually in danger, and find out why the message was sent by Harvey Geisler himself.

Unfortunately, only the message made it to Captain Geisler and his crew. The probe, the Vasco da Gama, and Deep Space 15 were captured by a race known as the Selubassari. The Black Hawk’s first mission is to restore the balance of power in the Finnean System, reclaim the starbase, and recover the probe.

Upon arrival, the Black Hawk is confronted by a Rakhari blockade. Dosi and Ferengi starships arrive moments later, resulting in a massive standoff. Captain Geisler manages to arrange a meeting between himself and the Rakhari and Selubassari leaders aboard Deep Space 15. Negotiations were tense, but the Rakhari agree to let the Federation have access to the system, and the Selubassari return Deep Space 15 to Federation control.

The da Gama, docked at the space station, is devoid of crew. To make matters worse, the probe is missing. In its place is a deceased Ensign. His blood was smeared into alien writing on the wall, but the translators could not decipher it.

Aboard the station, the Starfleet personnel, all confined to quarters, are treated by the Black Hawk’s crew and slowly returned to duty. It is eventually noticed by Doctor Kij that there are no engineers or security personnel among the captured. In fact, anyone wearing a yellow collar was missing. Commander Teixeira discovers what remained of the command crew in the station’s brig and arranges for their release. Among the crew are Lieutenant Charles Carmichael, a former member of the Black Hawk’s crew now assigned to the Vasco da Gama, and Commander Stryk, the da Gaza’s CO.

The Black Hawk’s search turns to the planet, where an Away Team is dispatched. Most of the population in two different steadings had been placed into forced labor camps, along with the missing Starfleet personnel. These labor camps have one purpose: to dig and dig, hoping to find something to connect what happened to Finnea to the message from the probe. Commander Teixeira manages to only have the Starfleet personnel released as the Selubassari refuse to budge concerning the Finneans.

Furious at their treatment, the Finneans finally revolt and overthrow their oppressors. Using any ship they can, they make their way to Deep Space 15. The Selubassari immediately retake Deep Space 15 and prepare to open fire on the Finnean fleet. As the ships are mainly light craft and freighters, Captain Geisler estimates that this will be a battle where the Finneans will surely lose. He orders the Black Hawk, with her shields down, to stand in between the Finnean fleet and the Starbase. With the help of Lieutenant Corwin, the Black Hawk convinces the Finneans to stand down. Harvey then restores the shields, and attacks Deep Space 15, disarming it quickly, and restores Federation control.

The Selubassari and Finnean leaders then beam aboard the Black Hawk. Harvey turns the Selubassari leader over to the Finneans. In return, the Finneans give to Harvey his ultimate objective, a certain probe acquired from a Selubassari installation.