Bait and Switch

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With Task Group Belvedere deploying a sensor net along a line from Gavara across New Risa to Altair, the crew of the Black Hawk, along with two other ships, work to set a trap near Nebula G71-2B. Sensors are unable to penetrate the nebula, leaving the crew to think that it’s a good place for someone to hide.

The trap, a convoy assembled from Gamma Command’s two Defiant class escorts and two of their Wallenburg transports, is dispatched from Gavara to New Risa. The Black Hawk and its escorts attempt to mask their warp signatures as they follow the convoy, ready to jump in within seconds once (if) their mysterious attackers reveal themselves.

NOTE: This mission will run concurrently with Mission 26: Cover of Darkness

Mission Group Season 4
Start Date 23 Sep 2024 @ 10:25pm

Mission Posts

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Title Timeline Location
A Matter of Security
by Lieutenant JG Shay Mitchell & Commodore Harvey Geisler
June 21, 2390 || 0630 hours Ready Room
The Best Laid Plans
by Commodore Harvey Geisler & Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler & Lieutenant Commander Theodore Marsh III & Lieutenant Commander Kennedy Monroe M.D. & Lieutenant Ranul Frex & Lieutenant Zayna Ryler & Lieutenant T’Mari Rael & Ensign (Provisional) Bertrim Wysocki & Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Carter & Lieutenant JG Shay Mitchell
June 28, 2390 || 1000 hours Holodeck One
Swapping Stories
by Commodore Harvey Geisler & Lieutenant Commander Theodore Marsh III
June 20, 2390 || 1800 hours Talons Lounge
Tour: Engineering
by Lieutenant Ranul Frex & Commodore Harvey Geisler
June 29, 2390 || 0730 hours Main Engineering
Tour: Flight Deck
by Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Carter & Ensign Aurilia Moretti & Commodore Harvey Geisler & Ensign Peris
June 29, 2390 || 0830 hours Flight Deck
Tour: Administration
by Master Chief Petty Officer Mila Rasputin & Commodore Harvey Geisler
June 29, 2390 || 0910 hours Administration
Tour: Counseling
by Lieutenant T’Mari Rael & Commodore Harvey Geisler
June 29, 2390 Counselor's Office
Tour: Security
by Lieutenant JG Shay Mitchell & Commodore Harvey Geisler
June 29, 2390 || 0800 hours Security Complex
Lounging Around
by Ensign (Provisional) Bertrim Wysocki & Ensign Aurilia Moretti
June 21, 2390 || 1800 hours Ten Forward
Tour: Science
by Lieutenant Zayna Ryler & Commodore Harvey Geisler
June 29, 2390 || 0815 hours Science Labs
Tour: Auxiliary Control
by Lieutenant Commander Theodore Marsh III & Chief Petty Officer Tarsa Rogers & Commodore Harvey Geisler & Ensign (Provisional) Bertrim Wysocki
June 29, 2390 || 0930 hours Auxiliary Control
Tour: Intel
by Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler & Commodore Harvey Geisler
June 29, 2390 || 0850 hours Intelligence
Personnel Transport
by Story Teller & Ensign (Provisional) Bertrim Wysocki
June 21, 2390 || 1100 hours Gavara
Cabin Fever
by Commodore Harvey Geisler & Lieutenant Commander Joey Geisler & Lieutenant Commander Theodore Marsh III & Lieutenant Ranul Frex & Lieutenant Zayna Ryler & Lieutenant T’Mari Rael & Ensign (Provisional) Bertrim Wysocki & Lieutenant Commander Jonathan Carter
June 30, 2390 || 1130 hours Auxiliary Control / et al

Mission Summary